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"Lucifer doesn't know what happened, I didn't feel like it was my place to tell him. All he knows is that you will be staying in his room until we can get the spare bedroom set up, so possibly two weeks." Castiel explains, carrying Sam's bag to what she assumes is Lucifer's room.

"So I'll be sharing a room with Lucifer?" Sam asks, glancing at Abbadons room.

"No, he will be sharing a room with me. You would have shared with Abbadon but she threw a fit." Sam nods, following Castiel into Lucifer's room.

"Thank you Castiel."

"Anything for Dean's little sister," he smiles softly, his eyes holding love. It takes everything in Sam not to coo at the thought of the two together. Castiel leaves, letting Sam unpack her bags alone. She feels a hand on her shoulder, causing her to flinch away.

"Hey, it's just me," Lucifer consoles, turning her to face him. She sighs, leaning into him as he opens his arms.

"Why do you flinch so hard?" He asks after she has calmed down.

"You know h-how I told you my dad hit me?" She asked, waiting for his nod before continuing. "He didn't just hit me."

She sits down on his bed, Lucifer taking a seat beside her. "What did he do to you?" He asks, raising his voice slightly, Sam flinching slightly, Lucifer quickly apologizing.

"He - he raped me Lucifer," she mumbles, barely loud enough for him to hear. After minutes of utter silence, Sam looks up at Lucifer. His eyes hold pure hatred, but when they connect with Sam's, they soften.

"I'm so sorry Sammy," He whispers, pulling her into a hug as she cries slightly.

"It's okay, he loves me and everything. I know he does, I just can't see why he would do something like that." She says, Lucifer pulling away slightly, gaping at her.

"Sam, you don't honestly think he loves you?" He asks, confusion etched onto his features.

"Of course he does, he's my dad." She laughs slightly, not really believing it herself.

"No Sam, I don't think he does. He raped you for fucks sake."

"I just- I can't imagine my dad and my mom not loving me," she whispers, crying slightly harder.

"Your mom loves you Sam. I don't know where she is, but I know she loves you. I can help you find her if you want?" He offers, rubbing her arm comfortingly. She nods, hearing Mrs. Novak call them down for lunch.

[| •-• |] two months later [| •-• |]

"Hey sis," Lucifer greets as he walks into the kitchen, Sam cooking dinner for everyone.

"What's up?" She asks, the word 'sis' hitting her like a brick to the face.

"Can you help me with my psychology? I'm failing and finals are coming up soon."

"Yeah, no problem. We can start tomorrow after school."

[| • - • |]

"Hey Sam!" A guy with a lollipop hanging from his lips calls as he runs down the hallway.

"Hi... Guy?" She asks, him laughing slightly before introducing himself as Gabriel.

"Oh, it's nice to meet you Gabriel." She smiles, shaking his extended hand.

"So I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go on a date with me? Like to the movies or something tomorrow night?" He asks, scratching the back of his neck.

"Yeah, sure." She replies, adjusting the strap of her bag. She chuckles lightly as his grin spreads from ear to ear, unaware her answer would have that much effect on him.

As they exchanged numbers, Samantha was even more unaware of the man standing three lockers away. Or the frown that had crept it's way onto his pierced face. Or even the way his tattooed muscles flexed as he slammed his locker door shut and stalked to his motorcycle.

A/N dedicated to SuperSherNaturalLock for motivating me to write this (even though it's short but eh) and there's gonna be some Sabriel coming up (obviously) but you'll get to see jealous Lucifer so aye. oh and I don't know if the picture on top/side is helpful but yeah. Listen to that all time low song, or any of their songs for that matter because they're perfect.
- K

Oblivion // Samifer AU : Fem!Sam - hiatus -Where stories live. Discover now