Lucifer sat, blowing up the balloons for the party as he watched Sam dance around the room with Levi. He was going to miss this. Miss his kids, miss her. That's all he could think about. It was like his breath had been ripped from his lungs every time he thought about what was to come.

Today was the day. What time he would go, they weren't sure. The crossroads demon hadn't given them a set time. So they were going about their day as best they could.

It was two hours until the party, but his brother, Dean, and their kids had just arrived. Lucifer stood to great his little brother, nearly being crushed by the force of his hug.

"Hey Cassie," Lucifer sighed squeezing his arms around Castiel tighter.

"You dumbass. Thank you for bringing me back, but at what cost?" Castiel replied, pulling away. "Your time is running out big bro, what're you going to do? Just leave these kids and Samantha here alone?"

"Cas please don't do this today, I just want to pretend nothing is wrong. I could go at any minute, and Im going to spend it with my wife and kids." Lucifer sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"And you guys." He quickly added.

"Alright, I love you Luci. I can't explain enough how grateful I am for you giving me this second chance with the love of my life." Dean smiled sadly, throwing an arm over Lucifer's shoulder as they watched Castiel and Samantha playing with the kids.

"Take good care of my family for me Dean."

"I will. I promise."

• four days later •

"We are gathered here today to celebrate the life of Lucifer Novak...."

Sam sat, staring vacantly at the wall behind her husbands casket holding her children to her closely as the preacher went on about how good of a man he was. It hadn't truly hit her yet that he wasn't ever going to come back. She couldn't figure out how he made the deal to bring Castiel back, and he had refused to tell her while he was still alive. He knew she would try to bring him back. She stood with the rest of the family as they began to file towards the hearse.

Levi was clutching his mothers hand tightly, not understanding what exactly was going on but knowing it wasn't a good thing. His mother had been crying since his father had vanished, he didn't know when he was coming back but he hoped it would be soon. Maybe then his mommy would stop crying.

It took eleven weeks for it to sink it that Lucifer was gone. The kids went to stay with Castiel and Dean, seeing as Samantha had become unable to care for them anymore. She was barely leaving her bed, and hadn't eaten in days. She wanted it all to end. The pain, the feeling of loneliness and loss. It was going to end soon...

I'm really bad at updating, so I'm gonna stop saying 'oh by the end of the week their should be an update' or anything because let's be honest I probably won't update for awhile but that's mainly because I never have the time these days and I'm sorry for that. Thank you to everyone who is still supporting this story even when I don't update for months
- Kayleigh

Oblivion // Samifer AU : Fem!Sam - hiatus -Where stories live. Discover now