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I see humans but no humanity. As I'm walking through the streets I keep a close eye out for any incurables or humans. I ran out of food last night and didn't want to risk going out so I decided to go this morning.

If the world wasn't over I would've thought it was a beautiful morning. Everything's silent, the sky clear, the trees leaves blowing in the wind as each leaf slowly but surely falls. Then, there's the parts that aren't so pretty. The severed bodies on the ground. The incurables that were tore apart so badly, quietly groaning while trying to reach for me. I don't kill them, there's no point in that when they can't even move.

While I was heading towards the local grocery store I heard movement in the bushes. When I snapped my head in that direction to look, but there was nothing there so I let it be, but stayed alarmed. I reached the store and opened the doors as quietly as I could. I'm surprised they're not squeaky. When I got in I went straight for the food, sticking whatever I could fit, into my bags.

Once I was done with getting the food I needed, I headed towards the clothing, seems how mine are tearing, I needed new ones. I had grabbed a few things and started sticking everything in my bag when the one thing I was trying to avoid happened. Something dropped. It hadn't come from me which I was very grateful for but a flicker of fear flashed through me.

I instantly shoved everything in my bag and zipped up, running towards the nearest clothing rack that could cover my large frame. I evened my breathing out as much as I could before hearing a blood curling scream. I clenched my eyes and jaw hard as I tried to shut it out.

Once the screaming died down another noise was made. Not by one of them but by a human. I quickly stuck my head out to see a boy, around my age, standing in the middle of the clothing part of the store. He was close. He quickly darted into a clothing rack much like how I had. He's definitely not dumb, because soon after a couple of incurables strolled by. He had hid just in time.

From the little time I had, had to stare at him, I gathered some information about his physical features. He had beautiful, brown hair, lighter than mine, with blue eyes, of course with the distance between us I couldn't see the exact color but they looked beautiful. His lips pink, and skin tan. His feathery hair was all over the place. Pieces of it sprawled everywhere around his face. He was beautiful none the less. He was wearing a white t-shirt, some suspenders hanging lose on his waist.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when a clean slice was heard, then a thud. The next thing I heard was a gun shot, then another thud. I quickly got out of my hiding knowing more of them were on the way. Might as well try and make a run for it. I caught a quick glance of the boy, seeing his wide eyes on me, then behind me. I quickly looked there but before I could see what was coming for me in action, it was on the floor, lifeless.

He saved me. I figured I might as well stay and fight because they were coming in the tens and there was no way I'd make it out alive with all of them here. I quickly took out my knife and gun, shooting ones that were further away and stabbing ones closer to us. I backed up to the boy so we could stay closer together and something wouldn't creep up on me from behind. I stole a quick glance at him to see him already staring at me with wide eyes.

"What?" I asked in a hoarse voice. I haven't spoken in a while and just now hearing my voice sounded strange. It was deeper. The accent thicker.

"I just- I thought you were going to leave me here to die." He stuttered quietly, in an American Accent?

"I was." I stated flatly before attacked several incurables that had come closer to us.

It had been about twenty minutes and we had gotten the majority of them. Enough to get out of here alive. I had forgotten that I had gotten everything I needed before all of this had happened. The boy started walking off and I was suddenly very curious as to where He was going.

incurables // h.s & l.tWhere stories live. Discover now