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"Louis, are you scared of me? I asked, wanting a genuine answer.

"No." He immediately answered.

"Tell me the truth." I asked, looking him in the eyes, our proximity not really helping. He took a deep breath before answering.



"Y-you are?" I stuttered, eyes wide in bewilderment.

"Y-yes." He repeated, stuttering this time.

"But only sometimes." He quickly added.


"You just-you get in these moods and you're just-you're scary." He was now sitting up, causing me to sit up too.

"Why don't you ever tell me?" I asked as softly as I could.

"Because I wanted to give time, you know? We've only known each other for like four days."

"What's the big deal anyway?" He continued.

"The big deal is that you're scared of me and you have every reason to be. I hurt you!" I exclaimed, my heart beating faster, breathing becoming uneven, raising my voice towards the end before realizing I wasn't helping the situation.

"Harry, it's fine. Really." He reassured me, holding my face in his hands. I felt my heartbeat start to go down and my breathing evening out. I looked into his eyes before slowly nodding my head and putting my lips into a line while sadly grinning, then I looked away.

"Just tell me when I'm scaring you next time, okay?" I made him promise.

"I promise." He smiled at me making me slightly grin. God, I've known him for a couple days and he's already getting some of my emotions back.

"Lets get some sleep." I requested, earning a nod from him.

We both laid back down, clinging to each other so that Louis wouldn't fall off the edge of the seats.I took a deep breath before letting out a sigh of content.

"Goodnight Louis." I whispered into his hair.

"Goodnight Harry." He whispered back.


I woke up at about three a.m., it was dark outside, slightly chilly since it's nearing winter. I suddenly didn't feel any warmth next to me. Before I could freak out I saw dangling feet in the rear window. Knowing it was Louis I got out of the car and climbed onto the roof.

"What are you doing out here so early?" I asked.

"It's cold, here. Don't want you getting a cold." I continued, handing him my jacket.

"Thanks. I was just thinking, I couldn't sleep. When I was younger I would always go onto my balcony when I couldn't sleep or had a nightmare, and I would look at the stars. They always helped reassure me that there was someone out there that would love me unconditionally, someone I would be able to wake up to and make a family with. Now all they remind me of is what I want, what I've lost, and what I'll never get. Sad isn't it?" He said, looking at the sky the whole time. 

I continued to stare at him and noticed a little tear slip out of his eye. I immediately brought my hand up to wipe it away. He flinched back before realizing what I was trying to do.

"You'll always have me. Underneath the darkness there's a light that's trying so hard to be seen, and I know this because I've noticed a little bit shining through the seems. You'll find that prince charming and be able to wake up to him every morning and have a beautiful family with him." I reassured him. For some reason it pained me to say that.

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