Boy Next Door

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When I finish my breakfast I realise I completely forgot to text Andrea last night.


Andrea: get home safe?


Me: I'm sorry, I'm only seeing this now :/

Me: I have some really good tea tho :)

Andrea: entertain me

Me: you know the guy next-door who has been annoying me ever since I moved in?

Andrea: guitar guy?

Me: yes that one

Andrea: what about him?

Me: have you heard of the band "Joker Out"?

I send her a screenshot of their wikipedia page.

Andrea: omg yes! I recognise them from Eurovision

Why does everyone seem to know this band but me??

Me: oh lol. I haven't ever watched that

Me: maybe if they let Canada compete I would have

Andrea: let's hope they never do that.

Andrea: but what's your point here?????

Me: oh right. One of the guitarists of Joker Out is my neighbour

Andrea: what??!! When did you find this out 😧

Me: last night. They were performing and I walked by and recognised him

Andrea: no fucking way that's so cool

Me: if you say so...

Andrea: what are you going to do now?

Me: nothing. I told him he was annoying me and he keeps wanting to "talk about it". I don't trust the guy

Andrea: if you want we can get lunch and come up with a plan? You can't just live next to him without ever speaking..

Me: sure I can.

Andrea: okay... but lunch?

Me: I'll be at yours in 2 hours

I finish my episode of Gossip Girl and then get ready. It's pretty hot here right now, so I wear a crimson red denim skirt and a black laced top. I put on my old Converse and a pair of sunglasses. 

I grab my bag and headphones. I close up the door to my appartement and just as I'm about to walk down the stairs I hear someone scream behind me.

"Lilah!" Jan opens his door and runs after me down the stairs. Oh fuck this.

"Have you been waiting for me to leave all this time?" I confront him.

"No. I was just home and I heard your door open," he looks very wild. Like he just woke up from a nap or something.

Desire - Jan PetehWhere stories live. Discover now