S2 Part 8

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Y/n's POV:

The time now was 9PM, most of everybody was asleep: Alby, Gally, and Teresa were asleep.

I laid in my bed, facing the roof, or the wood work of the top bunk bed Teresa was sleeping on. Thomas, Minho, and Newt were all in there beds, facing the wood work of there upper bunk beds.

I looked at Newt and Thomas' bed, seeing Newt and Thomas staring at me, from a far when it comes to Thomas, I just heard his bed making noise and Newt's bed is across from mine. I gave Newt a confessed look, he immediately turned his head in a other discretion, the sound of another bed being heard; meaning Thomas moved his head. I have good hearing to hear things, a far and close.

"Should we even allow Y/n to work tomorrow?!" Thomas asks, very worried. Why all the sudden, so many of these people are worried about me.

"Obviously not, who knows what those monsters of people do to them." Minho and Newt said, at the same time. Over the past couple years here; I've grown quite close to the three of these people.

Minho is almost like a best friend, or a brother to me, the sassy dramatic friend. He normally talks to me a lot, he would say dramatic things to me or even try to have me say them.

Thomas is the closest person I have; and so is Newt. Newt and Thomas give glares to each other most time; it seems in my opinion that Newt is maybe jealous, maybe also Thomas. Minho, Gally, Teresa, and everyone I know has been hinting me that Newt is jealous and so is Thomas,  both boys; Thomas and Newt have a crush on me. I'm too young, and in no right mind to have a relationship with them.

Thomas does stare at me a lot, he also does bring me food a lot, just like Newt. Does Thomas and Newt actually have a crush on me? Teresa has also been ignoring me lately too, with the rumors of me, Newt, and Thomas spreading; only my roommates know about the rumor.

Newt asked me if I have a crush on Thomas, I didn't reply, getting Newt more suspicious, Thomas also asked if I have a crush on Newt, I also didn't reply. I don't know what love feels like, I never understood the feelings, or anyone else's feelings of love.

I didn't know what way to tell Thomas and Newt, that I'm too young and busy for love, cause I'm scared of there reaction. Being raped by men, abused, sold into slavery, scars me to this day. Thomas and Newt are nice, and caring; right when me and Teresa arrived here, and with everything going on about my new job, WICKED, and Overhaul. Everyone here is also nice and caring.

I snapped out of my thoughts and heard snores; I looked and saw Newt asleep, then Minho, then Thomas, and everyone else. It's time for the another part of my plan.

I took the covers off my body, letting the cold air touch my body, I got out of the bed and opened the vent shaft, quietly.

I opened it, and I placed the vent shaft close by me;  slithering my body inside the vent, feeling the metal small corner trapped place.

I grabbed the vent shaft and closed it quietly, the screws going on it's holes. I started crawling and crawling; through every vent and corner I've been in. It was almost like a...Maze.

 I crawled to every corner of the vent, like a maze but in a vent, I have noticed a vent shaft that had bright lights, shining on the vent shaft.

I lifted one of my leg's up and kicked the shaft down on the ground, the sound of the vent clattering as it hit the white colored titled floor.

I jumped down from the vent, and did a pose as I landed on the ground, an action pose like in movies and shows.

(Pretend that's the pose you made)

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(Pretend that's the pose you made)

I looked up, feeling the air blowing through my hair, still in that pose I did.

"Never doing that again." My thoughts said, all the thoughts of me doing that pose running through my head. I got up form the floor, looking at my surroundings, form one hallway to other.

I felt a cold stare at me, I turned my head to face the other hallway, very quickly, it is...Yoriichi.

"Yoriichi?" I asked, he nodded and held out his hand for me to take.

I looked at his hand, then up at his face. He has black and red colored hair, his outfit that looked very interesting; it almost even looked like, we had the same face expression. I hesitantly took Yoriichi's hand and he started taking me somewhere, possibly to the that room he showed me before.

"Where are we going?" I asked, Yoriichi is very tall, more taller then me, he looked down at me while we are still walking hand and hand.

"The radio and communications device, talk to the Right Arm." Yoriichi said, coldly, like I would. Me and the mysterious man; Yorrichi, still walking down the hallway and holding each other's hands together; we stopped when we arrived to the communications room.

 Yoriichi opened the door, to my surprise no one was in the room, not one security guard was in there. A whole lot of computers and radios here, almost like the whole was a break room.

I entered the room, I looked at Yoriichi, again, seeing he wasn't walking into the room. I tilted my head in confusion; why is he not entering the room?

"You must do this by yourself. Goodluck Y/n. Overhaul must be killed." Yoriichi said. Could he actually be able to kill him? But Yoriichi is either a ghost, or a illusion, living in my head.

"Why can't you kill him?" I asked, even though I knew the true answer to that.

"I'm a ghost. I can't kill him, someone else has to. I know what he is, but you must find out what he is." Yoriichi said. I wanted to ask him another question but he disappeared, in front of me. Proves question one. How he disappears, and did in front of my eyes.

I walked to the radio station, sat down on a stool. Seeing a number on a piece of paper; It was a number for the Right Arm. Yoriichi must have wrote this down for me. I typed in the number and the radio started dialing the person.

"Hello?" A person asked, the voice sounded like a female.

"Are you part of the Right Arm?" I asked.

"Yes." The woman said.

"I'm calling from WICKED. I don't mean to report you here, I'm here to join you." I say.

"Who are you at WICKED?! Also, how old are you? You sound very young?" She said, asking a lot of questions.

"I work at WICKED, only to gather information from them. I am 14." I say.

"Ok, a little to young to work at WICKED. Ava must be desperate." She said, mouthing the last sentence, but luckily I could hear it. I've always had good hearing, don't how but I'm born with it.

"What's your name?" She asked.

"I'm Y/n." I introduce.

"I'm Mary. It's a pleasure to meet you Y/n." Mary introduces.

"Pleasure to meet you, Mary." I said. Time for phase 2 of my plan, phase 1 completed.

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