S2 Part 13

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Y/n's POV:

"May you follow me?" The lady known as Tamayo asked. I nodded, Tamayo grabbed my wrist, gently, and took me to her office; she closed the door quickly and locked it.

I looked and saw a boy in Tamayo's office. The boy looked younger then Tamayo. He has pale skin like her, he also has purple colored eyes, he has a regular boy's haircut with the color of: light blue and black highlights in his hair.

"Who is this?" I asked, I gesture towards the boy.

"I'm Yushiro." The boy known as Yuchiro said.

"This might sound wired but...do you know Mary from the Right Arm?" Tamayo asked.

"How do you know her?! Is this a trap?!" I asked them.

"No you dumbass!!" Yushiro said.

"Yushiro! Anyways. Mary contacted me about this new spy. You see; me, Yushiro, work here and Mary used to work here. Both of us are, or for Mary were, scientists in this place. Until we found out WICKED is making false cures, to get non immunes a higher chance of death, and along with kids getting killed even; so me, Yushiro, and Mary were calling the Right Arm, but unfortunately we were spotted, Mary took the blow for me and Yushiro. She was gonna die the next day, after they found out about her; me and Yushiro planned to get Mary out of WICKED in secret, before she got killed, we succeeded and got her out of WICKED. She wanted us to come with her, but we knew there would be more secrets to discover, and when Mary called our number and told us about this new spy, you. Would you like us to help you on this journey of destroying WICKED?" Tamayo explained, asked.

I started spacing off again, thinking of if I should trust them or not. I later heard a voice in my head, it sounded like...Yoriichi.

"Trust them. You might think I'm lying, but I'm not. I've met Tamayo before, they'll know what to do. Trust them." Yoriichi said, in my head and no could hear him but me. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at both Tamayo and Yushiro.

"Fine." I say. Tamayo and Yushiro looked at each other, then looked back at me.

"Where do we start?" I asked.

"First; tell us what you know." Tamayo says. Tamayo turns the light switch off, hopefully no one can hear us and no can see us. Everybody was busy making there false cures, they probably wouldn't hear us either, but they could have seen us, which is why Tamayo turned the lights off.

"Ok start." Yushiro begins. I leaned on the wall, by the door with my arms crossed, seeing Tamayo and Yushiro's shadows sitting in two chairs.

"When I first came here; at the age of 6 years old, I'm 14 years old now. WICKED made so many mistakes that they wanted me to help them. I've been making cures that don't work, either they have non immunes get a higher chance of the virus,  and with immunes; they use there blood to make the cures more effective. With Janson; he has made me built grivere's stingers, I sent Mary a full bottle test tube, she's currently working on finding out what it is. She gave me a mission to get Janson's security badge to enter this room, which needs a higher security badge, so Janson's badge." I explain, aka whisper to them. 

Tamayo looked a bit shocked and surprised; I could sense it with my own eyes even in the darkness.

"I'm impressed. You, Y/n, we are truly proud of how your against WICKED and that your getting information from them." Tamayo says, her voice still quiet as ever. I nodded, so did Yuchiro in agreement with Tamayo.

"We can help you get Janson's security badge. I could tell you the address to his house, me and Yuchiro can get the badge tonight, and tomorrow you can be able to enter one of the rooms with the higher security badge." Tamayo explained. I nodded to the plan Tamayo made, in agreement.

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