Chapter 1

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She awakes with the sun beaming  trough a split in the curtains. The beam of sunlight shines directly on her face as Luna opens her eyes very carefully a happy dog stands next to her bed.

It has been two days since Luna arrived back in Italy. She is living back in her old house, because of the competition season she wasn't able to come home since September. It is finally February again, which means she is free for the next month.

Her dog jumps onto the bed and starts licking her face. So with lots of trouble she manages to pull herself out of bed.

With a cup of tea in hand she walks to her mailbox. The warm Italian sun shines on her skin. No new letters just the local paper. She reads it while sitting on a chair in her garden. After breakfast she gets a text from her trainer with her workout for today. One of the exercises is a thirty minute run. Luna gets changed and decides to run to her local market.

Since it is still quite early in the morning it is quiet in the village. She greets every stand owner as she walks by "Buongiorno". With two bags of groceries in hand she walks back home. After putting away the groceries    she continues with the rest of the exercises sent by her trainer. 

It is already around lunch when Luna is done. She takes a quick swim in her pool and then returns to her kitchen to make some food. While eating her ciabatta she decides to check her emails. Most of it is spam, but she has received a very long message from her manager.

From: manager Tini
To: Luna
Hi Luna, I obviously know it is your time off right now and I do honestly hope that you are having a great time back in Italy for this coming month, however it has been brought to my attention that your former trainer and coach tried to sent you an email, but he didn't get a response. Now that is probably because it is in your spam folder somewhere, so here is the email again for you.

- Ciao, Luna
It is me Andrea I do hope you still remember me. I think you're already planning on going to the training camp at the end of this month, so I wanted to let you know that I will be there this year as well. With one of my clients I thought we could meet up and do the camp together.
Love, Andrea

Luna was pleasantly surprised by the email, she hasn't spoken to Andrea in over a year. But like he said she was in-fact going to do the training camp at the end of this month. After asking her manager for Andrea's new number she immediately replied and said she would love to see him and meet with his new client.

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