Chapter 4

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The next day she wakes up refreshed and decides to immediately get dressed for breakfast. She puts on a pair of dark grey jeans and a dark green sweater with some Jordans. She walks to breakfast and makes a nice plate for herself. She goes to sit at one of the tables. When she gets a text from Andrea.

-Ciao Luna,
Me and the others are going to go snow driving as a bit of a break and after that we have the health tests. Would you like to come?

-Hi Andrea,
Yes I heard from Charles yesterday, I would love to come.

- Luna,
We are going to meet in the lobby at ten see you then.

Luna is done with her breakfast at exactly ten so she walks to the lobby where the others are waiting for her "Bonjour". "Hello, Luna we were thinking of taking two cars. If me and Alessandro could ride with you." Andrea asks. "Of course" 

Luna is following Charles Alfa Romeo. They arrive at a little snow track. Nicki grabs the camera and him and Charles start filming another part of the video.

All the others sit in the back while Luna sits as passenger in the front and Charles is driving. As Charles reaches the first corner the men in the back start screaming, but Luna is laughing together with Charles. When they're done, Andrea is almost throwing up it is a very funny look. After the drive they go back to the hotel to do some test.

Luna's blood gets tested and her fat percentage. Then after she has to run for a bit. After all this, Charles walks up to her. "Luna, I was wondering if you would also wanted to come to a hockey game this evening." Luna says she would love to, but first there is climbing in a hall in the agenda.

Luna is really good at this so she is very excited. She puts on her harness and her and Andrea have a little competition on who can get further up the most difficult wall. Luna wins obviously and they return to the hotel after, she gets changed quickly to go to the game. It was a very close one, but luckily Val gardena won. Luna says to the rest that she would like to take a walk and says that the others can go to the hotel without her. Charles offers to come along with the walk and the rest go back.

It is already pretty dark so Charles and Luna cannot really see each-others faces very clearly.

L: That was fun game to watch.
C: Yeah, have you ever watched hockey before?
L: No, I hadn't, thank you for inviting me.
C: My pleasure.
They continue talking about their work and families the rest of the walk when they return to the hotel.
L: I'm afraid I won't be joining you again this week. I have to get back to my normal training schedule and I'll be going back home tomorrow evening, so I guess i'll see you around.
C: Oh well, yes I would love to invite you to a race maybe sometime.
L: Great well you have my number now so text me anytime.
C: Yes, definitely I will.
As Luna almost closes her door, Charles tries to ask her something. "Uhm, Luna, I was wondering.. actually no it's nothing, good night." "Goodnight, Charles."

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