Chapter 7

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When Luna arrives down stairs Charles and Andrea are already waiting for her. She gives Andrea a hug and smiles to Charles. The elevator dings and Kika and Pierre walk out. Charles gives Pierre a handshake and Luna hugs Kika. "This is Pierre."

P: Hi, Luna. I have heard a lot about you.
L: Yes me too. Nice to meet you.

The five of us walk to the restaurant and sot down at the table Charles reserved. The food is delicious.

P: So Luna, how do you know Kika?
L: Well my mother lived in Portugal, basically next to Kika when I was little. My parents are divorced so I spent half of my time in Paris and the other half in Lisbon.
C: And is your mother also Portugese?
L: No, my mother is Italian and my dad is actually Monegasque.
C: Really! Wow I thought he was french.
L: Well, he did live in France, I have never lived in Monaco, but we used to go there twice a year to my grandparents.

The five continue talking for the rest of the dinner. The food is absolutely wonderful and it is a very cozy restaurant.

After dinner Kika and Pierre decide they want to go back to the hotel and Andrea joins them. Luna and Charles say they will walk for a bit more before returning to the hotel as well. When they arrive back at Luna's room, they say goodnight to each other and both go to sleep.

Luna's pov —
Luna was awake all night she couldn't sleep. She kept on thinking about Charles. I knew w I shouldn't he's my friend nothing more. He doesn't see me like more, but it's just the way he looks at me that gives me a sparkle of hope every time. He probably looks at all of his friends that way. I can just be myself when I'm with him. So maybe it is better that we stay friends.

Charles' pov —
I cannot sleep I know I should be thinking about the grand prix right now, but I just cannot stop thinking about Luna. Normally the girl makes the first move to with me, but she hasn't so maybe she doesn't like me or maybe she wants me to go to her. I need to go to sleep

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