Chapter 6

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When she finally arrives at her hotel room she falls on her bed and opens an email she received from her manager.

From: manager Tini
To: Luna
Hi Luna, I saw that you landed in Bahrein. I hope the weather is nice. We do have a little problem.

Luna sees a article attached to the email

Charles Leclerc new girlfriend?!
At the end of this last February Charles posted a video showing his winter break routine at a training camp in Val Gardena, Italy. In the video he is not alone a famous snowboarder, Luna Florence Castalette, joins him trough the training. Is she the new girlfriend of Leclerc. She was also spotted earlier today at the Bahrein airport. Is she going to the grand prix to support her new love. Both Luna and Charles are freshly out of a relationship.

Luna immediately calls her manager

L: Tini, what is going on?
T: It is completely fine Luna. You just need to know that they will ask you some questions about you and Charles, I have already answered most tabloids.
L: Do I have to tell Charles?
T: No, that's fine I have already talked with his manager, just talk with him tomorrow. And deny all other rumours.

Luna decides to just go to sleep and deal with the rest tomorrow. When she wakes up she gets ready to go to the paddock, her manager told her that she could go there today to talk with Charles and his manager. She is also going to meet some others there.

Luna puts on some jeans with white and blue adidas sambas and a white sleeve less top. A car picks her up to go to the paddock, where she meets a Ferrari team member who gives her the pass and walks with her to the rest. She greets two of Charles friends and talkes with them for a bit. Charles then joins them. Luna and Charles smile at each other. Then he asks her to join him to a meeting room. Where she meets his manager, Nickolas. She introduces herself.

N: Bonjour Luna
L: Bonjour
N: Well as your manager probably told you, some rumours have spread about you two.
C: Yes
N: Now we already kind of expected this, since you are both popular athletes and fresh out of relationships, but it is nothing we can't handle.
L: Great, I hope it won't ruin anything.
N: No,no it won't you are just friends and Charles invited you because of that.
C: *coughs. Yes, yes

"Now that that is over with let me introduce you to the Ferrari team" Charles says. He introduces her to some of the engineers. "This is Carlos."

L: Hi Carlos, how are you?
C: Hola, great thank you. Are you enjoying the paddock so far?
L: Yeah, it's cool. So you're the other driver.
C: Yes, mam

They continue the tour and then Luna sees Charles other friends. Charles leaves her with them because he has to go back to the team. "See you tomorrow, Luna"

Luna joins the couple at the table, they ask her if she would like to have lunch with them. Luna agrees. The three of them go to a restaurant in the city and have a delicious lunch. After that the couple returns to their hotel, but Luna stays to go trough the city. As she walks trough the mall, looking at the clothes in the windows she sees a person she recognises. "Kika!!" The girl looks up and runs to Luna with a smile on her face.

L: I haven't seen you since like end November.
K: I know! What are you doing here?
L: Oh, gosh long story.
K: I have the whole afternoon.
Kika and Luna walk trough the mall as Luna explains why she's here.
K: Omg, Charles invited you, that is insane.
L: Wait what are you doing here?
K: Well, I have news. So I have a new boyfriend.
L: What Kika, tell me everything.
K: Okay so his name is Pierre, he is french and.... a frikin f1 driver. Can you believe that I am dating a f1 driver.
L: What, you're dating Pierre Gasly?!
K: Yess!
L: Ahhh, i'm so happy for you!

They continue walking all the way to the hotel they both stay at. And Kika walks her to her room. But when they arrive there is a man standing in-front of Luna's door. "Charles, what are you doing here?"

C: Well I was wondering if you wanted to have dinner with Andrea and me. You could join us too Kika?
L: I would love to. Kika?
K: I'll ask Pierre, but I would like that.
C: Well if you want to meet us at eight in the lobby.

Luna and Kika enter Luna's room. Kika says,"Omg, Lu, he likes you!" Luna denies it. "Right *sarcastically. See you at eight." Kika leaves her room. Luna takes a nice shower and get's ready for dinner. She puts on jeans she wore earlier today and a nice white top with some white sneakers.

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