Chapter 2

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The end of February has arrived which means Luna will have to start packing for the training camp. She looks trough her closet and fills up her big duffel bag.

Earlier today she dropped her dog, Luca, off at the neighbour's house. She's going to miss her best friend for the next week, but she will survive. This upcoming week is all about focus getting back into the mood, because the most important snowboarding competition is at the end of march. If she wins the competition she has a guaranteed spot in the olympics next year. That would make her the youngest female snowboarder to enter the olympics.

Luna has done this training camp every year since she was fifteen years old, her old trainer Andrea advised it to her. He always was a sort big brother for her. But eventually Andrea got very focused on one client, Charles Leclerc, and Luna needed more attention since she was starting to become a professional. Apparently this is the first time since he went along with me that he has been at this camp, so Luna is very excited to see him again. Every year Luna drives up to the Dolomites herself. This year is no different.

She looks at both of the cars in her driveway. The big black Alfa Romeo or the beautiful dark green Ferrari. Comfort or Fashion.  She decides to take the Alfa Romeo simply because that one has seat warming.

It is about an three hour drive, she likes to live close to the mountains so that she can go snowboarding whenever she wants, but also be close to the warm sun and sea. The whole way there Luna listens to songs in her car screaming along with the lyrics.

After the long drive she is glad to finally be back in the mountains,  she missed the cold feeling of snow. She checks-in at the desk and decides to let herself fall on the nicely made bed. She is so tired that she decides to stay in her room for the rest of the evening.

While watching a movie her phone rings. She recognises the number and picks up.

L: Hello, Andrea, how are you?
A: Ah, Luna, Ciao, I am doing great, did the car-ride go smoothly?
L: Yes, absolutely no problems on the road.
A: Luna, I was wondering if you would like to meet my client tonight, maybe go out to dinner with us?
L: Sure, sounds fun, I'll be right down in the lobby
A: Great

Luna quickly gets herself ready, she puts on some jeans her favourite Jordans, and a cozy hoodie. As she enters the lobby there is a group of four men waiting for her. She immediately sees Andrea and gives him a big hug. One by one she gets introduced to the rest. Alessandro, Nicki and finally Charles. She gives all of them a hand. Andrea then says, of course you know who Charles is, but i'll introduce him anyways.  He is a f1 racing driver for Ferrari. And what he told me on the way here a big fan of yours.

Luna answers surprised, Oh well I am honered.

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