Chapter 8

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The next day is qualifying. Luna gets ready in the bathroom, putting on her makeup and doing her hair. She puts on a grey sleeve less shirt and dark grey skirt with some white sneakers. She grabs her bag and goes out the door. A car is waiting for her downstairs to pick her and and the other two guest up.

They arrive at the paddock and enter with the pass around her neck. The three of them walk to the Ferrari garage and enter. As Luna enters she sees Charles and a woman talking. Charles sees her and signs that see can come.

"Good morning Luna, I hope you slept well." Charles says.

L: Yes, I did and you?
C: Great, right. Uhm Luna let me introduce you to my mother, Pascale.
*The women next to him smiles
P: Hello Luna, I have heard much good about you from my son.
*Charles blushes
L: Oh, well, thank you. Nice to meet you Pascale.

Pascale leaves to see her other son.

L: So are you excited for qualifying?
C: I hope so.
L: Yes, well I will definitely wish you good luck. I am going to try to find Kika.

They smile at each-other as they both turn around and walk different directions.

Luna walks trough the paddock and sees all sorts of people, interviews being given and people wearing different team shirts running around. As Luna walks behind a camera she sees who is being interviewed. It's Carlos, he smiles at her and she walks further.

She texted Kika and they decided to meet at the Alphine garage. As Luna arrives there she sees Kika talk to a few other girls.

K: Lunaa! Come here.
Kika gives Luna a big hug
K: Let me introduce you to some more wags. This is Isa, Carlos girlfriend.
I: Hi, nice to meet you.
K: This is Luisinha, Lando's girlfriend.
L: Hi.
L: Nice to meet all of you.

The four girls walked to the f1 paddock lounge. We went to sit at the bar and ordered some drinks. With drinks in hand they went to sit outside and enjoy the weather. Quali was going to start any minute now.

Luna was looking at the big screen showing what people watching on tv would see. Three interviewers were currently walking trough the garages and talking with some of the team members along the way. They were talking about the new cara this year.

After about twenty minutes it finally started the first few cars came on to the track. After everything was finished. The score came on screen. Charles P3 tomorrow. All the girlfriends left to search for their boyfriends so Luna decided to also go back to the Ferrari garage. It was a party when she entered. Everybody was yelling and hugging. Charles was already gone doing an interview.

Luna saw Pascale standing with a boy and one of Charles' friends, Luna decided to join them.

L: Bonjour Pascale, congrats for your son P3 is wonderful.
P: Ahh Luna, thank you so much. How was your day did you enjoy yourself.
L: Yes, very much. I joined some of the driver's girlfriends in the lounge.
P: That sounds wonderful, ohh wait I completely forgot, Luna this is my other son, Arthur. He is currently in f2.
L: Oh yes, I saw p4. Nice spot a good place for overtaking tomorrow.
A: Thank you

The four of them continue talking for a while longer, when suddenly Charles walks in. The whole Ferrari team gives him a big commotion and congratulate him.

Charles, Luna and his friends return to the hotel. Since they are all tired no one is staying for a drink.

Charles and Luna are standing in the elevator to go up. 
L: Congratulations Charles on this nice qualifying.
C: Oh, well, yes thank you.
*there is an awkward silence.
C: Luna, I was wondering if maybe you would like to sometimes maybe go out on a date with me.
L: As friends?
C: Yes... or maybe ad more?

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