Chapter 5

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Charles' pov —
I wanted to tell her, I really did. I wanted to tell her how I have been thinking about her every moment this last week. But I couldn't it was too soon. And she probably doesn't even see me that way.

Charles tries to forget about her, but the second he lies in bed. His mind wanders back to her. I cannot feel like this right now, I just broke up with my last girlfriend. But Luna is so different. Normally I go for the monegasque brunette. But here is Luna. A blonde, super cool and insanely good snowboarder. I guess I would have to start with just making her my friend.

The next day Charles meets the others at the gym and him and Andrea do the normal routine. Charles tries to keep his head empty. The next two days go by calmly. As he returns back home to Monaco. He gets a text from his manager telling him to back his bag for the testing in Barcelona.

- A month goes by (Bahrain grand prix)

Charles is in a meeting with the Ferrari team they tell him he can give four passes away. He immediately asks his mother and two of his friends. While he is wondering who he should ask as the final person, Andrea walks in his trailer. Charles decides to ask him. Andrea answers,"How about Luna, you looked like you were having fun together last month." Charles decides to text her.

-Bonjour Luna,
As you might know the Bahrain grand prix is next week. I have one more ticket left and I was wondering if you wanted to come. My mother and two other friends are going as well.

You did promise me, I would love to.

Luna's pov —
What! Charles Leclerc just asked me to go to the Bahrein grand prix. Luna is a big f1 fan so she is very excited. I'm excited to see Charles again, this last month I have been thinking about texting him multiple times. But he probably didn't like me anyway. He didn't text me either, until now. Maybe there is a chance. But I shouldn't rush into anything right now, I did just break up with my last boyfriend.

Luna texts her manager about Bahrein. And starts packing her suitcase. Her flight is tomorrow. As her dog, Luca jumps on the bed smiling at her. "I am afraid i'm going to have to leave you again for a few days, Luca, but I will be back before you know it.

The next day Luna gets dressed she puts on matching joggers and a hoodie and puts on some sneakers. She arrives at the airport being dropped off by her neighbour. She enters and when she is past security she decides to get a cup of tea. While standing in the row, a person behind her asks her for a picture. "Hi Luna, your my favourite snowboarder could I please have a picture. Luna agrees.

Whilst walking to her gate two other people ask for her signature. 

She is finally in her plane. Ferrari got her first class tickets. A stewardess asks if she wants something to drink and Luna asks for a coke. She also watched a movie on the television.

The second she walks out of the airport she feels the warmth of the Bahrain sun on her skin.

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