Chapter 10

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Charles stops his in car in front of the big one. He jumps out and runs to the Ferrari team. After he arrives at the podium and his trophy is handed to him, he looks into the crowd. After searching for her he finally find her, Luna. She stands there smiling at him as she looks up. He raises his trophy and gives her a wink.

He arrives in the Ferrari garage and is welcomed by a massive crowd of people chanting his name "Charles! Charles". Despite the festivities he has a flight to catch to Italy. So sadly he has to say goodbye to everybody.

As he walks out of the paddock many people want to take pictures with him and congratulate him. After finally sitting in her car, he calls Luna on the car speaker.

C: Bonjour Luna, I think you owe me something.
L: Yes, yes you're right, congratulations.
C: So I'll pick you up at six. And bring your suitcase, we have a flight to catch.
L: Charles, wait, no, no, what do you mean flight. I have to go back home.
C: You are, bye.

Luna shuts her phone and throws it on her bed. She quickly packs her bags and throws on a comfortable pair of jeans and a hoodie.

Charles arrives at the entrance of the hotel at exactly 18:01. He opens the car door and Luna gets in. "Okay Charles, you have to tell me. What is going on?" "You'll see."

They arrive at the airport and check-in. Luna decides to call her manager in the row for security.

T: Hi Luna, I hope you are at the airport, because your flight is at eight.
L: I am, i am, but I am afraid I'm bot going to catch my flight.
T: What do you mean, Luna?
L: Well, Charles is taking me somewhere I don't know where, because he won't tell me.
T: What you're being kidnapped.
L: Probably.
T: Well, at least have fun. And call me when you know where you're going. My heart cannot handle this.

They finally get past security and immediately walk to their gate. Charles looks on the gate boards. Luna tries to see what he is looking at. Stockholm, Florence, Milan (Luna's flight) and Monaco. Oh no Charles said that I would go back home so maybe he meant home to Monaco. But I can't stay in Monaco, everybody is there people will think we are together. I don't know if I am prepared for that kind of relationship.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2023 ⏰

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