Chapter 2

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As day becomes night, you find yourself on one of your photographic explorations around Yokohama; Tanaka had warned you of the possible dangers of the night, yet you insisted on going regardless.

It was quiet, nothing like during the daytime, yet you couldn't help but wonder if it was too silent, almost like the calm before the storm. Despite the nagging feeling, you continued through the streets of Yokohama, taking photographs along the way. The night's breeze was cold, not that it bothered you much; it was a nice feeling compared to the hot summer weather during the day. As you continued to make your way, you became too absorbed in what you were doing and less in where you were going. You had long past noticeable landmarks such as Cosmo World, which you would frequent as a child. Without your knowledge, you had somehow stumbled into much darker areas of Yokohama, Port Mafia territory, a place you would usually avoid even during the day. And it wasn't long until you felt eyes on you, which only deepened your already present anxiety.

While attempting to find your way back to more familiar areas, you somehow seem to stumble upon what looks like a human trafficking deal, as there are 2 groups of men and half a dozen unconscious women on the ground, tied up. You try to back away, however: one of them has already noticed you and the camera that hangs around your neck. "Quick, someone catch her, she has a camera!" one of them yells as he points towards you, catching the attention of both groups. Not knowing what to do, your first reaction is to run in the opposite direction. You can hear the sounds of several footsteps chasing after you as you try to get your bearings while not getting caught, which proves more arduous than you thought. For now, you managed to stay just out of reach for them; however: the longer time went on, the more tired you became. You had to decide, keep running and hope you get away or hide until it's safe. Even your ability was useless without following its one rule; you needed a name for it to work. Yet despite all the men shouting at each other, a name had not been called. Time was running out, and you still hadn't found any familiar streets; it was time to decide. You look behind you to see no one there; it's time to hide, now is your only chance. With what energy you had left, you tried to run as fast as possible while turning to the corner; it was a row of warehouses, a perfect area to find cover for a while. You decided to hide in the very last warehouse and find stacks of boxes to hide behind. Once out of sight, you try to catch your breath and quiet down.

Some time passes, so you peek around to check if it's safe, and there's nothing but silence; waiting a few moments, you finally get out from behind the boxes. Coming out from the same door you came in through, you look around and see nothing still, more silence; taking a deep sigh of relief, you start moving to find your way back. With the adrenaline all but gone, your mind starts to wander and hope that you've not stayed out too long that it worries Tanaka; he's done a lot for you; the last thing you want is to make him worry. However, you're too lost in thought to realise that you're not alone; and someone notices you. "Found you," a deep voice chuckles, making you quickly turn around in pure fear. You had decided wrong. You attempt to get away, but he's much quicker, and he hits you hard enough you cause you to blackout, and your last thoughts are about if you'll ever see the outside world again...

2 weeks later...

A lot can happen within 2 weeks; unfortunately for you, a lot did happen within that time. You were now on the cold ground within some abandoned building; you couldn't say where it was; you just knew it had to be in a secluded area. Your clothes were long past wearable, the camera you held dear was gone, and you didn't even want to think about the marks and bruises on your body. After every few days, they would force-feed you some barely edible food, presumably to at least keep you alive for longer. After all, what good are you dead to men like these. It took you 4 long years to barely come close to a typical life, but a mere 2 weeks have reverted you back to how you were within that shipment container. You were past the hope of someone getting you out of the mess you walked into.

Please, release me ✩ Dazai X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now