Chapter 3

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6 years ago (age 16)

Resting your chin in your hands, you happily stared at the teen sitting opposite you. You couldn't deny that the bandages that covered his eye and most of his body were strange, yet you couldn't help but ignore them entirely due to his looks. Despite not knowing anything about the man, you didn't hesitate to accept his request to go to a cafe together. You had only recently arrived in Japan, and your Japanese wasn't great, so when you learned he knew your native language, you went along with him.

He was wearing a black suit and tie with a white shirt underneath. He also has a black overcoat that is currently over his shoulders. You couldn't deny the teen looked alluring in black, especially in a suit.

"S-so what should I call you?" you timidly ask him using your native language, and still somewhat shy around him, but what girl wouldn't with looks like his? Your question finally grabs his attention, and he looks at you happily, "call me Daarin~" he exclaims without a hint of shyness at what he just requested of you. "B-but,," you try to say something in response but become too flushed to properly get the words out and only end up looking away in embarrassment. Your Japanese wasn't the best; however, you knew Daarin meant darling. Amidst your bashfulness, you fail to notice a waitress come up and say something to the teen. You finally turn your head back and see him leaning his chin into his right hand, staring at you as if waiting. "I- I'll be right back!" you exclaim a little too loudly as you suddenly stand up and head towards the bathroom to calm yourself down.

Once you're in the bathroom, you look at your reflection in the mirror and sigh in defeat, "Seriously, just look at me..." you mutter to yourself, adjusting your hair and outfit a little attempting to make yourself look more tempting. You suddenly slap your cheeks and smile before returning to where the male is waiting.

You sit yourself down opposite him. "S-sorry that took so long..." you start to say before eyeing the bright green drink on the table. The green drink was in a tall see-through glass and had what looked like a scoop of ice cream on top. You hadn't seen anything like it back home, and you couldn't help but be curious about how it tasted. "My treat, try some," he tells you as he takes the spoon beside it, takes a bit of the ice cream and holds it out for you, seemingly wanting to feed you, which only proved to embarrass you further. Despite your embarrassment, you finally gave in and tried the ice cream, and you weren't disappointed. As your face lights up, the male chuckles at your adorable reaction to a simple Japanese drink. "It's a melon soda float, try some of the soda," he adds, smiling at you.

"T-thank you...Daarin..." you shyly reply, finally calling him darling like he wanted.

Present day (age 22)

You couldn't help but feel a sense of deja vu; here you were with Dazai in a cafe sitting opposite each other with a melon soda float and coffee on the table. However, so many things differed to back then. You now know what kind of man he is. "It's your favourite, go on, have some, Y/N," he tells you, and you do so, yet the reaction isn't nearly the same as back then. This time it's a blank look as you silently have the drink. He pouts as if he were a child that hadn't got his own way, "aw, what's with that reaction," he whines, a response that doesn't last long as he's already back to his calm self. You continue through the ice cream until Dazai moves his hand towards yours, causing you to suddenly freeze as if expecting him to do something to you. However, all he does is steal the spoon from you and eat the ice cream on it while having a smug look on his face. There was silence between the 2 of you; he continued to enjoy the coffee he had ordered while you sat there blankly, staring at the sweet drink. "Finish the drink, I know you want to," he tells you plainly as if it were a regular meeting between friends. You instinctively continued with your drink as he said. However, you wanted nothing more than to either; run or hit him as hard as you could for all he did to you. But you could do nothing more than follow everything like a loyal dog of his; it was disgusting. Once again, silence.

"Dazai-san!" a voice calls out, catching his attention as he turns to look at them. "Ah, Atsushi-kun," He replies, back to his cheerful self, while you sat there having finished your drink. The male has light grey hair and pale skin and is of average height with a slim build. He has segmental heterochromia, consisting of purple on the top half of his iris and yellow along the bottom curve of his pupil. His hair is short and swept forward in loose spikes with a lock left long on the right side of his face and a prominent black streak in his hair. He's wearing a white button-up with the sleeves pushed to his elbows, a loose black tie, black pants, black fingerless gloves, suspenders and a long black belt which seems far too long for him as part of it swings from his side as if it were a tail. "Meet an old friend of mine, Atsushi-kun," he sings happily; as he looks at you. "O-oh, hello-" he begins to say, but Dazai cuts him off. "This here is, Y/N, she's not been able to talk since she lost her memories, isn't that right, Y/N?" he asks, smiling innocently. You nod in response, your expressions refusing to change even after all this time with Dazai, though perhaps that's the reason you can't. "U-um, Dazai-san, Kunikida-san is looking for you..." he tells him, looking a little nervous; either he knew what kind of man Dazai was or was new to the agency. "Aw, but I don't wanna," he whines, sinking into the sofa as if trying to hide himself.

"Dazai!" It was Kunikida, and he was furious. "Here's Mr. Stickler-for-Rules..." he complains, still acting like a child being forced to do something he doesn't want to. "I've wasted so much time because of you!" he yells at Dazai, clearly not noticing you yet. That was until he did, "and what the hell are you doing with miss L/N!?" he yells, grabbing Dazai's collar and shaking him backwards and forth as if attempting to shake some sense into him. "I was supposed to finish questioning her almost an hour ago, and here you are trying to seduce her!" he continues yelling as you silently watch them. "Can't I treat an old friend?" Dazai asks, causing Kunikida to stop shaking him. "Old...friend?" he asks, clearly in shock that he freezes for a moment; while still gripping Dazai's collar. Kunikida looks to you for an answer, Dazai innocently smiles at you, and you respond with a nod. Kunikida suddenly lets go of Dazai: and he falls onto the sofa, laying there for a few moments; until he sits up and ruffles his hair, pouting a little.

You couldn't fathom how such a person could act in a way after what he did during his mafia days, after what he had done to you: yet here he was, acting like a child in front of you as if nothing happened.

After some time, Kunikida drags Dazai back to the Agency, and Atsushi awkwardly follows along. Once again, you're alone, yet nothing happened to you despite Dazai's sudden appearance. You wish you could sigh in relief; however, your body wouldn't even allow that; the knot in your stomach was still there, and your entire body continued to feel cold from the confrontation. He didn't even have to do anything for you to feel like this, and you hated it; you wanted to scream, to say anything, but the words continued to refuse to come out.

It made you wonder; why he hadn't done anything; you knew he had been waiting for you; why else would he be hiding underneath a desk? You were almost too deep in thought to realise the small piece of paper underneath the now empty drink. It wasn't long until you noticed it: and you knew exactly who would leave such a thing.


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It took some time but here's chapter 3, as always hope you enjoyed it.

Please, release me ✩ Dazai X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now