Chapter 5

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As y/n (you) are currently mute, any text within [...] is what is written down as a way of speaking.

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Morning finally arrives, and the first thing you hear when you wake up is loud banging on a door and shouting. Due to your hangover, you have not yet realised what is happening or where you are. "I know you're in there, Dazai, get your lazy ass out of there," you finally heard a voice shout; realisation sinks in of where you are and who exactly is in the futon beside you, with face flat in the pillow as if trying to pretend nothing was happening. "I don't wanna," you hear him whine as he tries to hide his face further into the pillow. All you could do was continue to lay there with your eyes closed, your awareness back; you had reverted to your usual obedient self. Keys in the door soon followed by the door slamming open, "I know you're in here, you waste of bandages!" a voice yells. It was Kunikida. After a few moments of loud, angry stomping, was there a brief moment of silence. "Hey, Kunikida-kun," Dazai whines with his face still planted in a pillow until his furious co-worker grabs the back of his collar and forces him up. "Don't hey me Dazai, what the hell is wrong with you!?" he shouts at him as the sounds of punching occur. "Why the hell is someone from one of our jobs in your apartment!?" he yells as more hitting continues and the sounds of Dazai in pain each time. Despite the painful hangover and noise that was happening, you remained lying there in silence, with your eyes closed. "We didn't do anything-" Dazai begins to say, and Kunikida finally stops hitting him, and it's silent once more. "What..." Kunikida replies, clearly in shock, as if Dazai sleeping with different women was the norm, which wasn't surprising due to his good looks. "She drank too much and I didn't know where she lived, I didn't try a single thing," he confesses, just before Kunikida dropped him, causing him to hit his head on the floor. "But I knew you'd have torrid fantasies about what you thought we would be doing," Dazai responds, clearly happy with his poor co-worker's reaction.
"Y/N~" Dazai calls out, and you sit upright to face him with your usual empty expression. "Didn't I behave last night?" Dazai asks with his usual playful smile while Kunikida patiently waits for a response with much anticipation. You nod in agreement, seeing it as an order to respond.
After some more yelling from Kunikida about his schedules and being late, the three of you ended up in the agency. Kunikida had yet to ask you all the questions he needed to, and the case on the recent kidnappings was still ongoing. So here you were in the little seating area on one sofa with Dazai asleep on the other facing you. After all, he did during his time within the Port Mafia or what he did to you, here he was, sleeping without a care in the world. You had to admit despite the reunion, he had yet to do anything to you; however, that did nothing to lessen the anxiety. Instead, his carefree and playful act only caused something within you to grow. An emotion you had long forgotten, anger. You had yet to notice; however, while it was small, it was there and growing.
While you are still terribly afraid of him and what he could do, you couldn't help but stare a little as he slept soundly; for what reason, you weren't exactly sure. Perhaps it was hatred, fear or something you had long stopped feeling. It was strange. Despite who he really was, he seemed just as defenceless as any other person; maybe it was another one of his tricks, or he really was dozing off; you couldn't tell for sure.
"L/N-san," Kunikida calls you, catching your attention, and you look up to him as he stands at the entrance of the waiting area. "If you'll excuse this idiot, I have a pen and notepad for you," he tells you as he hands over the pen and notepad for you to write down your answers since speaking wasn't an option. "Oi Dazai, wake up and do your job!" he yells, dragging him off the sofa and causing him to fall onto the ground. There was a momentary groaning followed by a moment of silence. That was until Dazai stood up straight and had a mischievous grin just before stealing a green book from Kunikida and racing out the door, with Kunikida soon chasing after him. Leaving you sitting there in silence with your usual empty expression.
"Kunikida-san...?" a voice rings out, clearly confused about what transpired just moments ago. Walking towards the exit of the agency, he finally comes into view. He has light grey hair and pale skin and is of average height with a slim build. He has segmental heterochromia, consisting of purple on the top half of his iris and yellow along the bottom curve of his pupil. His hair is short and swept forward in loose spikes with a lock left long on the right side of his face. Additionally, he has a prominent black streak in his hair. He's wearing a white button-up with the sleeves pushed to his elbows, a loose black tie, black pants, black fingerless gloves, suspenders, and a long black belt that has part of it dangling down as if it were a cat's tail.
"Y-you're...Kunikida-san said he had an appointment with someone, i-is that you?" he timidly asks, unsure what to do. He must be new to the agency; you've yet to hear about him from the storeowners who like to gossip. Remembering what Dazai had told you yesterday, you knew to at least answer the question. After writing down an answer, you hold the notepad to show him. [Kunikida-san needed to ask me some more questions about the kidnappings happening recently]. Seeing your response calms him down, and he eases up somewhat. Despite Dazai running off, you felt it unwise to leave; you had no such orders to follow. That was until you noticed his trench coat on the sofa opposite you. "Dazai-san left his coat...h-he must've went in a hurry; Kunikida-san shouldn't be long..." the timid boy tries to reassure you, not that it did anything for you. "O-oh, I'm Nakajima Atsushi by the way," he tells you, waiting for your response awkwardly. [I'm L/N Y/N, it's nice to meet you], you aren't usually this 'talkative' anymore; however, amidst the many one-sided conversations you had with Dazai yesterday, there were some orders, getting along with the agency members was one of them. It's not like you disliked having a conversation anymore; it simply brought no feelings whatsoever, and it seemed pointless unless necessary or you were ordered to do so. You noticed Atsushi was starting to become tense again, most likely due to the strained conversation; little did you know he felt as if he were forcing you to respond to him.
One of the agency's doors opens, and Atsushi looks towards the direction of the noise. "D-dr Yosano," he calls out as you recognise the name. "Any injuries Atsushi?" she asks, seeming concerned about his health. "N-no," he timidly responds, and probably for a good reason: she had quite the reputation among some of the men in Yokohama. Soon after, you hear someone click their tongue in annoyance, most likely Yosano.
After the sound of her heels clicking on the floor as she walks closer, she finally comes into view. She's a young woman who clearly takes care of her appearance. She has straight, dark hair cut into a bob that reaches past her chin and bangs. Her eyes are magenta in colour.
She's wearing a white button-up blouse with puffy sleeves that end in the middle of her forearm. Her shirt is tucked into a plain black skirt that flares out above the knee. She wears gloves that reach past her wrist, a black tie, and black tights. To match, she has red high heels and a golden butterfly hairpin on the left side of her head. She looks at you and looks surprised, "aren't you the girl who was in Dazai's apartment, Kunikida was telling me about it," she inquires as Atsushi looks at her in shock, then at you. "Huh!?" he blurted out as if it was the most shocking thing he'd heard. It takes a moment to write down your answer, but you manage to respond, [I did; I drank too much, and he didn't know where I lived]. You remembered Dazai using the same excuse on Kunikida this morning. However, you also knew what kind of man Dazai was; he most likely did know, yet had some scheme for you to end up at the agency. The problem was you weren't sure what exactly he was scheming or what he wanted to achieve in having you reside in his apartment for the night. "He didn't do anything...did he?" Atsushi asks, with a face full of worry; it almost seems Kunikida's reaction this morning was warranted. [No, we slept in separate futons], you didn't feel the need to tell them he was nice enough to give you privacy to dress, or the fact he's the one who gave you the clothes you're wearing today.
For a moment, the clothes you're wearing felt restrictive and uncomfortable; however, you yourself weren't aware of what sensation you felt for a moment.

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At last Chapter 5! This story had quite a dark beginning so I'm letting you all enjoy some piece and quiet while it lasts ;)

As always I do hope you enjoy the story

Please, release me ✩ Dazai X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now