Chapter 9

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A few days have passed since you found yourself within the depths of the Port Mafia, and you still didn't know why you were even here. Currently, you're alone, which at least allows you to rest as much as humanly possible in this situation, especially after they have broken your hands. Unfortunately, the solitude doesn't last long as the short mafioso returns looking furious as he glares holes into whatever paperwork is in his hands. "Damnit!" he yells in frustration, throwing the paperwork across the floor.

"Executive N-Nakahara-san, you asked for me," another mafioso appears, and you instantly recognise them as the person who broke all of your fingers and then wrists. "Tell me how you expect to get information out of her if she's fucking mute and you've broken her hands!?" he yells, turning around to grab the scruff of their shirt collar. "I-I didn't know sir!" he exclaims, clearly fearing what comes next, especially with someone with such a short temper. You lay still with eyes closed, hoping that either of them would reveal why exactly you had been dragged here only to be tortured. "How the hell do you expect me to get information about a traitor like Tanaka is our only lead can't tell us shit!?" he yells, throwing the male to the ground.

What did he mean by traitor; there's no way Tanaka was a part of the Port Mafia...right? But he seemed so unnerved back then, just before you were caught and dragged here. There's no way he ran away, so you would get caught instead, but why did it feel that way.

Before you knew it, your body began moving on its own, flailing around, causing the chains to hit the floor as you struggled to become free. You had to find out the answer to that lingering question; you had to find Tanaka, the only person who cared for you as if you were family. After causing such a fuss, the little executive notices and kicks you in the stomach to stop you from thrashing around so much, not that it worked; there was far too much adrenaline in your body now. "What the hell have you so fucking worked up all of a sudden!?" he barks as he kicks you once more to no avail. You began to move your mouth to attempt to speak while still desperately flailing around like a bird trapped within a cage. During your months of freedom, Dazai would always address him by his first name, Chuuya, and thanks to that mafioso who just left moments ago, you now knew his last name. If only you could somehow utter his name and use the same ability, Dazai ruined your life to obtain. "Na-" you desperately try to speak, but after so long, your voice is scratchy, and it hurts to talk; however, the adrenaline helps ignore whatever pain you are experiencing right now. "Nakahara Chuuya-" you finally speak his name, which confuses but angers the male too. "How the hell do you know my name!?" he yells, about to grab the collar of your shirt; however, he never does. "Release me-" you tell him, activating your ability after so many years, and he does exactly that without another word.

There it was. Your ability that Dazai so desperately wanted to hide from the world during his Mafia days, the ability to issue commands to whoever's name you speak, whether you could see them or not, was irrelevant. Those afflicted by your ability would have no memory of it and would act no different to their usual self, making it all the more difficult to notice if someone was currently fulfilling your commands or not. Absolute authority was its name, and only one person could undo it, the man you hated most, Osamu Dazai.

"Nakahara Chuuya...bring me a cloak..." you feebly tell him, and he leaves to do precisely that. You were extremely weak, yet you managed to stand up somewhat as you leaned against the wall for support. It wasn't long until Nakahara returned with the cloak, and he put it on you and waited in front of you with a frown.

It takes some time, but you command him to take you safely out of the Port Mafia and leave you at the park's entrance where you originally were days ago. Pulling the hood over your head, he carries you on his back and takes you there like an obedient dog. As soon you arrive, he gently puts you down as if he would to one of his own comrades, "return... to the Port Mafia...alone," you assert as you watch him leave. As soon as he's out of sight, you slowly walk towards the house you had called home these last few years.

However, as soon as you arrive, there's a crowd surrounding the entrance to the street and the sounds of fire trucks and fire ablaze, where your so-called home should be. "N-no.." you trembled, staring at the chaos. You had desperately fought so hard to reach here, all to hear the answer you needed, but all you found was flames and ash, and finally, the adrenaline you had been reliant on so far ran out, and you can't help but collapse on the ground amidst the crowd.

As soon as you wake up, you scramble to sit upwards only to notice you're in a doctor's room in a hospital bed, and somehow, your wounds have all healed. "You're finally awake," a familiar voice calls out, and you turn your head to face them; it's Dr.Yosano. "You've been missing for a few days now, and I find you like that, what happened to you?" she asks, grabbing a nearby clipboard with pen and paper. "Port..." you try to tell her, yet the words are slowly refusing to come out once more, and she looks at you in shock, "Mafia..." you finally respond, hovering your hand over your neck and looking down with your usual empty expression. "Your speech..." she mutters before putting the clipboard down and pausing for a moment in deep thought. "" you utter as you're reduced to talking in singular words. "That fire was caused by the Port Mafia, was that your home?" she asks, trying to get a grasp on the situation. At first, you only nod to respond to her question, but then Tanaka comes to mind, "searching...Tanaka..." you add, looking at her with a glimpse of desperation. "That's the name of the older gentleman you were living with, was he your father?" she questions you, and the word sticks in your mind. What did she mean was, what happened to him? "Tanaka, must find, Tanaka, many questions!" you exclaim, trying to get out of bed but fall onto the floor instead as you're still exhausted. Dr Yosano rushes to help you up as you struggle, "I'm sorry, L/N..." she tells you, and you suddenly freeze up before collapsing in shock once more.

She puts you back onto the bed and sighs, pitying you slightly. While you're asleep, she leaves the patient room, where several agency members are waiting around, presumably for her. "She's alright now, but she's sleeping, so be quiet if you want to visit her," she tells everyone, and everyone has a sigh of relief. "Did you find out what happened to her?" an older male asks her with a stony expression. "Fukuzawa-sensei, she's now able to speak a few words at a time, which means the cause of her lack of speech was most likely psychological, but it was the Port Mafia who got kidnapped her but she panicked about her relative before she told me who she escaped," she explains to the older male.

Fukuzawa is a tall man who almost always has a stern expression. He has long silver hair, which ends just above his shoulder, and metallic blue eyes, which appear to have wrinkled eyebags under them.

He is always seen wearing a green yukata under a black haori (a traditional Japanese thigh-length kimono-style jacket commonly worn by men) with golden borders, a zigzag pattern and zori sandals with white tabi socks.

"Thank you, Yosano," he answers as he retreats into his office without saying anything else. "It's simple, she's an ability user like us," Ranpo pointed out while he stuffed his face with snacks as if it were an obvious answer. "She had to be rescued last time, but as soon as she starts talking she can escape herself it's easy to figure out," he adds as he suddenly chokes on some snacks and quickly grabs his ramune drink. Everyone else looks dumbfounded since Ranpo is the only one in the room who can figure it out, as Dazai is nowhere to be seen. "Does that mean she's been aware of her ability this whole time and hasn't notified any of us?" Kunikida asks, clearly noticing the elephant in the room, and everyone goes silent. "It's most likely linked to the reason she's been mute this entire time and usually has an empty expression, but-" before Yosano can finish off her thought, Dazai bursts in with a carefree attitude as he jumps onto the sofa in the waiting area acting as if he's at home and not work. "Where the hell have you been you, bandage squandering machine!?" Kunikida yells, changing the atmosphere completely to a more relaxed one. 

✩     ✩     ✩     ✩     ✩

And just like that, there's chapter 9, as always I look forward to your comments as it helps me push forward to do the next chapter.

I'm aware I tend to make you all wait for long periods of time for some chapters so I always try to finish a few after a hiatus to make up for it. 

Please, release me ✩ Dazai X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now