Chapter 6

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"Please is anyone there!?" you yell out as the sounds of you slamming your fists into the inner walls of the shipping container you had recently found yourself trapped within. It was difficult to tell how long it had been since you awoke trapped here; however, one thing was clear. The energy you once had was beginning to run out, and so was the hope of escaping. Despite that, you continued to hit the metal walls as hard as you could, "Please, anyone!" you continued to yell out, not knowing the container you had been locked inside was in an abandoned area where none but 1 individual dared trespass. The area was a literal dumping ground; piles of shipping containers were stacked atop each other, some having fallen off. Countless chemicals had long seeped into the soil, and not even small animals remained. Out of all the many places within Yokohama, this had to be the most desolate, not even worth being on Yokohama's maps. In the centre of it all was you; the container itself had very little inside it; however, it had the necessary items a person would need to live in such a thing. The container consisted of a fridge, an exhaust fan, a desk and chair, a bed and a small light bulb that had been on this entire time.

More time passes, and you're now sat on the floor, leaning your back against the end of the bed. You had exhausted what little energy you had, and with your voice now hoarse from all the yelling, there was nothing more you could do except wait and pray that someone would find you. After only being in Yokohama for 2 months, there wasn't anyone you knew, any names you could use to be able to make use of your ability, not even the teen you had spent so much time with and had developed what you would call a teenage crush on.

After both of your parents mysteriously died, you used what inheritance you got and fled your home country to Yokohama; you would hear rumours and stories of the city that you risked it all to come here. However, in the end, you found yourself trapped, just like back home, except this time it was far worse. Rather than being trapped within your home with no one to lean on, you were trapped within some strange shipment container with no hope of surviving. Even your last memory before being trapped here was foggy at best, so you couldn't even recall how exactly you ended up in such a situation in the first place.

And finally, you blackout once more.

However, little did you know while you were asleep, a figure in black entered the container and looked down at you. Sighing in annoyance, they finally sit at the desk within the container, leaning back, eyes closed. This mysterious figure was the one who usually resided here and the teen you've spent the last 2 months with. Osamu Dazai, not that you knew who exactly he was. Sighing once more, he turns his head to look at you again, "What a pain," he complains, continuing to lean back in the chair as if such a situation was the norm for him.

This continued for about 90 days: occasionally, you would wake up to the food on the desk, and while at first, you were hesitant to eat it as it could've been poisoned, your stubbornness could only last so long. Dazai would reside in the container while you were blacked out from exhaustion and sometimes would inject sleeping drugs into your system without your knowledge when he would linger longer than usual. Whenever he was there, he would be at his desk working, acting as if he were alone in the container and leaving you on the floor wherever you would pass out. Whenever he did stay longer than usual, he would have blood on him, someone else's blood, and rebandage himself before leaving you there. All the while, you remained in the dark about the man who was keeping you caged up in here for almost 3 months. 

When 1 day he remained until you awoke.

"You're finally awake," he sighs in annoyance, the words still sounding hazy as you push yourself off the floor and sit against the end of the bed. "Y/N," he calls out: at last, you hear his words and soon recognise the voice, the captor who has had you trapped within this metal cage for months. Soon, there's nothing but shock all over your face, and for a moment, your head refuses to look up at him, and you stare at the floor until you finally dare to look up and face reality.

Finally looking up, you see the oh-so-familiar face, the distinctive bandages over his right eye and body; however, there was 1 clear difference: the darkness in his eye, staring down at you as if you were nothing but a pitful animal. "Y-you, no...why would you do this...!?" you stammer, choking on your words, shocked by the turn of events as you had complete trust in the teen despite the mystery surrounding him. "I-I thought..." you attempt to say before being interrupted. "You thought wrong," Dazai replies as he looks down at you, not even being seen as a human in his eyes anymore. You hadn't even finished your words; however, he knew what you wanted to say. You wanted to finish your sentence, but somehow, the words refused to come out, and your face became flush and red from embarrassment, and tears started to form in the corner of your eyes. The reality had finally hit you like a tsunami. You were naive enough to completely trust a man whose name you didn't even know, and the result was this. Looking down at the floor in confusion and betrayal, you remain silent as the tears keep forming in the corner of your eyes and soon start to fall.

There was nothing you could say; what even could you say in a situation like this; this teen clearly had the means to keep you here; he had to be dangerous. Your image of him within your mind was essentially shattered; the teen you had so foolishly trusted wholeheartedly turned out to be the man who would be your undoing. "Please, release me..." you whimper, as it was the only words you could muster to such an individual. "You're acting as if you'll leave his place alive," he replies with a lack of emotion in his words when suddenly you hear the metal click in his direction, making you shoot your gaze towards him with a look of panic and fear. There he was, cleaning a small gun, acting as if the gun's maintenance was far more important than dealing with you. "You've got quite the useful ability, you see," he begins to say until he pauses and focuses on cleaning the gun again. "I-if that's what you wanted, t-then I'll use it; just let me leave here, please," you plea, trying desperately to convince him you're better off outside rather than trapped within this cage. "With an ability as dangerous as yours, I can't have anyone else making use of it; with such an ability, you can bring down organisations within days, and I could use such talents," he explains, finally putting the cloth down and examing the gun before pointing it towards your head. Pure fear sets in, and you can do nothing except sit there staring at him, hoping, no praying, he won't kill you here and now. "Your ability belongs to me now, Y/N," he tells you, standing up and walking towards you with his gun still pointing at you. Stopping right in front of you, he kneels, and grabbing your chin, he forces you to look him in the eye while he shoves the gun into your chest.

"You belong to me now."

✩     ✩    ✩    ✩    ✩

Chapter 6 already, how wonderful is that my dear readers? ;)

As always it is a delight to see your thoughts on each chapter as it helps what direction the story goes in 

Please, release me ✩ Dazai X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now