chapter thirteen

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Marlowe's Pov
"Uncle Noah!"she says running to hug her when we to the club. It's closed to the public for now because it's early. "How's school Luella?"he says calling her by her full name and I'm surprised she didn't object to it. After I told her her mom used to call her that she never wanted to be called anything else. "I made Soo many friends,"she says gleefully and I don't think I've seen her like this in a while. Maybe all she needed all this time was some normality in her life.

"Why don't you have your orange juice while I talk to Noah baby?"

"Okay," she says shrugging her shoulders. He leads me to the office.

"So did you find out anything?"

"I did, and the only way he found out was through you,"

"Me? I've only seen him once and that's when he was talking to Maven,"

"What? About what?"

"Nothing, he's just using her to get to me,"

"well it's possible her car was bugged, did he get close enough to touch her, or hug her?"

"I don't fucking know Noah but what do we do?"I ask already agitated at how low this shitstack is stooping. If what he's saying is true then I have to get Maven to switch cars without it being too obvious. It's bad enough she drives herself sometimes and whatever she says they know and could use it to hurt her. "Not to ruin your little monologue, but you have a daughter with a curly mop of hair waiting to look like princess Tiana, whoever that is,"he says making me chuckle lightly that he remembered every detail from her rant. "Okay I'll figure out how to convince Maven, you take care of the rest,"I say and he nods in understanding.

I can see the the confused look on her face when we stop at Tommie's building instead of a salon or something. "Hey,"she says analysing me because I'm in my casual clothes. After the night Maven and I had she said she wouldn't need me till later for the gala."Hey Tommie this is Luella, my daughter,"i say just as she appears from behind me. "It's LuLu, daddy doesn't get it,"she says sighing making her chuckle. "Well come in miss Lulu,"she says making sure she says it right. She's a child so I'm not surprised she's touching everything she sees around her.

"She's cute, so cute I wanna meet her mom,"she says getting me off guard.

"She's not in the picture anymore,"

"I'm sorry, she's lucky to have you,"she says trying to not be awkward. "Your place is amazing,"Lulu says and she focuses her attention to her. "I need to get dressed then we'll, head to the salon, already booked an appointment,"she says making me curve my face into a sly smile. I Don't really know what to do while she's in there changing and Lulu isn't helping with touching stuff.

"Daddy is she your girlfriend?"

"Baby no, she's a friend...from work,"I lie knowing Tommie and I aren't friends at all,and she was simply doing me a small favour behind her best friend's back. Her best friend that I was in love with for most of my life, still am. "Okay let's go,"she comes out in a pair of blue ragged baggy jeans and a whit cropped top with her hair let down now. "Daddy let's go,"she says bringing me back to reality and from the look on Tommie's face she noticed how shamelessly I was checking her out. I can't help it,women are beautiful.

When we get to my car she stops abruptly as if I'm opening the wrong car.

"This is your car? Damn. Why do you work as a driver ?"

"It's actually my friend's car,he let me borrow it,"I say realizing my idea of taking the least expensive car is nowhere near what her idea of a least expensive car is. Lulu gets in the back eagerly and she seats in the passenger seat of my rolls Royce phantom. "You have some high class friends then,"is all she says and she shows me directions to the place. I contemplate following them in because I'm not big on being the attention of the room.

"You guys go ahead but no beads, multicolored hair, or braids longer that the shoulder level,"I say realizing how much Maven's lessons payed off. She nods reassuringly before they go in and leave me in the car alone. I decide to get them something to eat while they're in there because why not. My phone vibrates in my pocket as I wait for my order by the food truck on the other side of the road and I fish it out to display a text from Maven? Why was she even texting me? She never does that, so I decide to call her instead.

"Hey, I just read your text,"

"Yeah I just wanted to apologize for treating you the way I did,"

"it's okay you're a pregnant woman, it's allowed,"

"I'm not..who told you I'm pregnant?"

"It's so obvious"

"I umm liked the little adventure we had and thought we could-"

"No,I have things to care of,"I say bluntly before hanging up. My daughter will always be my priority. I will not be her backup. Her dick head of her wife is who she should be calling, it is her child after all. When they're done they get in the car and I hand them both their meals with me having eaten mine already because I got impatient. "I look so good daddy, because of aunt Tommie,"she says and I hum approvingly before noticing what she just called her and turn to her abruptly. "Relax, she's a kid, it's allowed,"she says holding in a chuckle.

I drop her off at her apartment but there's something about how she looks at Lu, like she's trying to make out who she looks like and we can't have that. I still have things to take care of and I can't have my daughter with me,it's like giving the enemy a knife to stab you with. I call Luigi to come get her from the bar and possibly play babysitter until I get back home. She's made friends at school but I'm not sure I want any of them in her personal life. Maybe one best friend is enough at her age. She doesn't lead a normal life and needs to be guarded 24/7 now. "Lulu, Luigi is going to take you home then I'll join you later to pick up on the fun,"I say expecting her to sulk but she's more excited to hang out with him instead but I know it's because he's easy to bully. That does hurt a smidge but I'd love it if she got close to them so as she grows she can understand how much her safety means to me.

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