chapter thirty

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Maven's Pov
"But you didn't hear what she said,"I say before he can try to talk me into another confession. She simply didn't feel the same way and I was stupid for mistaking her teasing for something else.

"Is she right? Are you still hung up on Frankie?"

"I don't know. The truth is she's the only person I've had since I met her even though she hurt me I've moved on from her, from that, it's the thought of loosing the last familiar person I know who puts up with me. I already lost Tommie,"I say not even caring that I'm freely venting to my assistant instead of my therapist.

"What about Marlowe? What do you feel about her?"

"I feel normal and appreciated, acknowledged. I could eat in the dark and she'd just join me without judging. She's attentive, caring, assertive, genuine, bad with nondescript and interesting,"I say realizing that everything I'm saying could just be a mild case of admiration or lust. How could I ask her out after getting emotional over a gift my ex-wife gave me? Maybe she's right and there's no need to look into those unlabelled feelings I might have. "What if it's her traits you like and not her as a person?"

"What do you mean?"

"What's her favourite color? Her favourite band/musician? What's her most invaluable thing? Her last name? Her parents names? Her daughter's full name?..." He goes on and I can't help but feel even more stupid. I surely didn't think Lulu was her actual name did I?No wonder she said that. I'm so focused on what I feel and want and forgot that she's not just some random dollar bill on the road waiting to be picked up and claimed. "I...I don't know,"I say lowering my head in embarrassment. If we start of as friends then I can know everything about her while I confirm if my feelings are real or it's a case of getting under someone else.

I decide to go back to my room and let him wonder off on his own for a while because all I've had him on is my problems and answering my calls. She postponed the meeting to after the gala she apparently had as the last one before the company opens a new chapter. I have a few hours until it starts and I already had Paul get my dress and stylists. I change into a pair of high waisted beige linen pants that fall to my feet so I decide low cut heels will do. I let my hair fall because it'd be up again by the end of the day.

"Going somewhere?"

"Just browsing, I'll be back before dawn,"I say and he lets me go reluctantly. There's a bodyguard assigned to me by the board and I can't say no to protection. After endless buying of things Arlo would like or myself or even Lulu, I decide to have a meal before heading back. My phone buzzes with a picture of my baby covered in flour, so I call her. "Why are you bullying her?"I ask and she just chuckles. "She promised she could handle it,"she says in between laughs. "Can I talk to her?"I ask  and she puts the camera in her face. "Mommy I'm having so much fun with daddy and lilly!" She says alarming me. Who's lilly?


"I umm.."she says walking away from her to possibly confirm what I was already thinking.

"Lilly is a friend,"

"A friend..."

"I met her at the cafe last month but I never saw her after that. Then I bumped into her last night and we...I was going to tell you,"

"That's not fair,"

"I didn't plan it,"

"I don't want her there until Arlo is back home,"


"I don't care that you're seeing people again franks I don't want you introducing her to your one nighters without so much as asking me first. We've been good with co-parenting her, don't fuck this up for yourself,"

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