chapter thirty seven

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Maven's Pov
"why did you show up at my college? You know people talk,"I ask her crossing my arms and she just leans against one of her many cars.

"I haven't seen you since you left my place, I was worried,"

"that was last night,"

"yeah and that's a long time from now,"

"we talked about this, I'm not ready to-"

"be in anything serious? I got that the many times you've moaned my name sweet cheeks,"she says taking dangerous close steps towards me and I just stand there like I'm under her spell. She's so hot and a big alarming flag shouting 'im not a one woman kinda woman'. She places her hands on my side leaning in and I close the distance between us letting our lips move in sync and most importantly, lust. "Careful you two, don't want to lose your tongue down each other's throats," she says pulling us apart. "Bianca, always nice to see you,"she says sarcastically making me chuckle. She opens the front door for me and I get in eager to finished we started.

She just brings it out of me. I hear the back door open with my best friend sitting in the back with an expectant look.

"Well atleast feed the girl before you work her,"

"Bianca!"I shout in embarrassment but she just seats there with a neutral face. "What? I'm hungry and don't pretend those tic tacs you had back there were  food,"she says making me want to throw her out of the car into a busy high way or something. I got fired because Bianca slept with the manager and he expected her to call back. "tic tacs?"she asks raising her brow. "It's nothing really, I'll get another job as soon as my finals are over," I say not wanting to air out my business. That I had a huge fight with with my mom and as punishment she did what she does best, freeze the credit card dad gave me for emergencies.

That was my back up plan but now I have none. I haven't found a job that aligns with the time I have all the classes and I'm starting to fall behind.

"Maven you know you can talk to me about anything,"

"As what Marlowe? A casual hook up buddy?" I say snapping at her and she just licks her teeth starting the car. I know that look but that's what we were doing right? I let Bianca go first on her order and she doesn't hesitate to order half the menu. I bury my face in my palms feeling her eyes on me. I excuse myself to use to the ladies room because I can feel my eyes tearing up. I know I have Bianca but sometimes I feel like she's going through alot herself and I can't talk to her about my problems because then she'd say she wishes she had my problems instead. It's my parents money not mine. I wet my face and dry it with a paper towel.

"Hey are you okay?"

"I'm perfectly fine,"I say walking past her towering figure and feel her hand pulling me to her in one swift motion. I let her stroke my hair gently in silence letting me feel whatever it is that I'm feeling. "Tell me whatever you need to make you feel better carino," she says and it's the first time she's she's held me like this. All we did was fuck and eat food afterwards, never the sentimental stuff.

"I'm really low on money and can't make rent plus my exams are coming up-"

"move in with me then,"

"what? No. No. Marlowe we don't even know each other like that..all we do is have sex and well sex,"I say reminding myself of the very many times I've been under her, on top,in her penthouse among other positions. "I don't care, you can stay until you land on your feet,I'm barely there anyway," she says and it doesn't sound spontaneous anymore. Because if she said like that then she'd just mean she was helping me out temporarily. "Can I think about it?" I ask genuinely pulling away to meet her seducing eyes. "yeah, my door is always open,"she says kissing my forehead before walking out and linger on the action for Abit before joining them at the table again.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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