chapter eleven

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Maven's Pov
I'm about to call it a day when the front door opens. Marlowe left a few hours ago eager to surprise her daughter but i know she's embarrassed about what happened earlier. I wanted her to taste the strawberries I was cutting to put in the freezer and she leaned in taking it from my hand with her mouth. She somehow seems to always avoid the idea of me meeting her but i won't push her for an introduction. It was her personal life and she has all the right to be private about it. I watch her loosen her tie before freezing on the spot when she notices me.

"Relax, i wasn't up waiting for you. This series is nerve wrecking!" I say genuinely because i spent most of my time trying to understand these black mirror episodes.

"I saw your missed calls...did you sort it out?"

"Arlo had a mild reaction and had to go to hospital,"

"Is she okay, how did that even happen?"

"She ate the kiwi her friend gave her because she didn't want to be mean,"i say from what she told me. I spent an hour trying to make her understand that that doesn't make her mean, it's for her own safety,health even. She plops on the couch with her coat and tie long gone.

"I'm sorry i wasn't near my phone,"



"look i know you're as busy as i am but i need a present partner Franks. Your work can't possibly be more important than your own daughter. You say you want another child but Arlo is not even a priority," i say with my voice already breaking. It should be illegal to give hormones this much access. "You know how work can be baby. It won't happen again, you know what this whole week I'll be the one waking up early to make breakfast and get Arlo to school,"she says genuinely and I'm not sure she's up for the task but i decide to let her redeem herself fairly. I don't want to be under pressure or stress of any kind.

"Now can i explain some of the episodes to you or do want to cuddle with me until you feel better?" She asks rubbing her thumbs against my cheeks. Both of them are great options and i just want to be held right now. "Can we do both? You smell so good,"i say leaning in and she meets me halfway crushing her lips on mine passionately. I get carried away backing her up on the sofa. "As much as i want that with you more than ever I'm so tired and just want to lay down if that's okay,"she says and I'm not sure how to respond to that. I feel Abit embarrassed that i was acting like a horny mess of a person. "Have you eaten?"

"Yeah i had a sandwich for lunch," "just a sandwich,"i ask raising my eyebrows because she's about to ruin my mood with her not taking care of herself.

"Come on, I'll make you something to eat,"

"But it's late,"

"it's 10pm and I'm hungry too so get up,"

"I'll just stay back and watch this episodes so i can explain them to you in bed,"she says and i just shrug her off. I'm hungry and the snacks weren't helping. I guess i just needed a reason to cook food without making it obvious that's I'm pregnant. I whip up some Japanese noodles with chicken chunks because that's the easiest recipe i learnt. It doesn't take long before there's two plates of food Infront me and i move to the living room with them, where i left her watching.

"Okay it's hot and that's how...."i place the plates down to see her peacefully sleeping and i contemplate on waking her up but i don't. She wouldn't eat anyway because she's already started dreaming. I should have gone for the cuddling instead. I think to myself downing my plate while watching before taking hers too. I can't help it if I'm eating for two. When I'm done i put the plates in the dishwasher and decide to wake her up to go to bed.

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