chapter Twenty two

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Maven's Pov
"When are you coming home? I need a release,"

"sooner than you think,"

"I'm a lonely pregnant woman. I don't know what's more desperate than that,". I say making her chuckle. Her chuckle is so adorable despite the huge armour she puts on. "I need to shower, I'm so exhausted Carino and I miss you, so much," she says but all I'm thinking about is her naked.

"Could you send me a sneak peak after?"

"Such a pervert you are,"

"unfortunately you're stuck with me," I say cockily making her sigh dramatically. "Please don't give Luigi a hard time. I love you baby and I can't wait to see you,"she says before hanging up. I feel strongly for her and it scares me everyday that she might snap out of loving me and leave me because I'm pregnant and not the same let's get wild Maven. I decide to make myself a cup of hot cocoa because it helps me relax. I'm really craving something with cheese but I feel tired and the one place I get cheesy stuff I have to drive to.

After a long night of watching reality shows of new moms I decide to go to bed. I open the bedroom door to a dimlit room and I guess I forgot to off the lights. Her scent is so fresh, almost like she's here but she's not. I take my robe off and get under the covers still horny but even more sleepy. I feel a hand snake around my belly from behind startling me because it's dark. "Hey hey calm down it's just me baby,"she says making me ease up Abit but I'm still finding trouble breathing. "You're having a panic attack Maves. It's okay I'm gonna help you through it, just like always,"she says kissing my forehead before helping me with my breathing.

"Weren't you in Italy five hours ago?"

" No I was on my private jet,"she says cockily kissing my entire face and I find it less weird because of how much she hates such gestures.

"Now close your eyes and go to sleep, my baby needs to rest,"

"you know me So well,"

"not you weirdo, I meant my growing baby,"she says rubbing my belly before I slap her hand away. It feels so safe and free with her.

I open my eyes to the hot sun burning the daylights out of me. I guess I fell asleep on the sunbed. I'm surprised that not even Arlo came to disturb me. I get up and grab the towel that seems to have already dried up and head inside. "Finally!," mom says like I was taking up most of the pool area.

"Hey mom, where's Arlo?"

"She's with your dad in the garden,"she says preparing salad. "Look honey, I know you went through a hard time with the divorce but I think it's time you got back into reality," she says not even once hiding her bluntness.

"I'm not ...I don't know,"

"Baby it's been three weeks, how much time do you need?"

"I'll get Arlo and be out of your hair then,"I say expecting it. She's punishing me for ruining her perfectly planned out future for me. Maybe she should have married her. When I'm done packing both my baby and I's clothes I decide to take a shower and go downstairs to where my dad seems content,happy even. "Please... don't take her,"he says surprising us both that he made out a complete sentence. He hasn't talked since I can remember. "Dad I- it's okay I'll let her stay. I need to be there when Franks is getting her stuff. But I'll call every hour and you need to call me if anything," I say and he just smiles hugging me.

He's too sweet of a man to have ended up with my mom, no offense.

"Arlo baby come here,"I say crouching to her level.

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