Daenyra i

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Gods, it's cold.
Winter would soon be upon them, Daenyra knew.
She was not used to the cold her blood was of the dragon and she was never lived this far up north.

I miss the warm climate of Essos.

She didn't want to leave the comfort of her warm room but she had promised Sansa, she would help with the dress she was making.

She donned a beautiful purple dress with a falling star embroidered on it. It once belonged to her mother.
On days like these, a deep sense of melancholy hit her.
She missed her father and her mother, whom she never met.

I shouldn't dwell on these things.

The walls of Winterfell were full of laughter. That was one of the things she loved about her situation.

I was lonely in a way in Essos. I saw my cousins a handful of times. How I long to see their faces again.

As she walked through the long halls of Winterfell, she heard noises from the outside.
She stepped onto the large balcony, where she saw Jon and Robb teach Bran the arts of archery.
After yet another failed attempt, even she couldn't hide her laughter.

"Good morning, Lady Amber."
"Good morning, Robb," she replied.
"I see you two have been tormenting Bran," she teased.
"Thank you, Lady Amber," said Bran.
"Wait for me" was the only thing she said.
Daenyra knew she shouldn't, but she had to help poor Bran.

She stopped in her tracks. He was watching her as always. She threw a look over her shoulder. Aeron's red eyes were unsettling to some but not her they gave her a sense of security.
"Bran, you have to relax your elbows."
She took the arrow and bow from his hands and demonstrated.
Robb and Jon looked amused, almost as if they didn't believe she would hit anything.
But their amusement would soon die as Daenyra hit the bullseye.

She just smiled at the brothers and handed Bran his arrow and bow.
"Now your turn."
Bran was unsure but hopeful. After a few tries, he finally hit the bullseye.
A round of applause erupted.
Amber approached him and said, "You will be a great knight, Bran," and kissed him on the cheek.

She grabbed her dress and turned around, but she knew Bran was blushing.
She made her way to Sansa's chambers.

And yet on her way, she was intruded.
"My lady," Aeron said in his particular accent
"Aeron" she smiled at him.
He was her only friend in truth and she cherished him most dearly.
If need be she would lie her life down for him but she knew he would let the world burn, then let that happen. He walked her to Sansa's chambers and left swiftly. He liked knowing her safe. It was his job after all.

"Good morning, Sansa. I hope I am not too late."
"It's alright, Lady Amber," Sansa replied.
Sansa is a gracious young girl. Daenyra liked her a lot, and she saw her potential. Sansa will be a great lady in the future. But for now, she hopes that Sansa will get to enjoy her girlhood to the fullest and for many years to come.

As Sansa worked on her dress with occasional help from Daenyra, they conversed about many topics, including a fight Sansa and Arya had just this morning.
This made Daenyra laugh. She wondered if this was what it was like to have a sister. Maybe if she had a sister, she wouldn't feel so alone.

She pushed those thoughts away. She had to be Lady Amber Vernize, the Lady Paramount of the Mander, the Wardeness of the South.
She would have to return to the Eternal Garden soon. After all, she had many duties. Duties she couldn't fulfill from here.
After a while, it was time for Sansa's lessons with Arya and her septa, so Daenyra left them.

She made her way back to her room to change. She put on a green dress with long sleeves and gold details of roses for her house.
On her bed lay her shadowcat, Ser Knight.
Shadowcats are formidable beasts, and yet hers was behaving like a puppy.
"Come on, ser knight, we must eat," she laughed.
With her shadowcat, she made her way to the great hall.
As she was turning around the corner, she walked into someone.
"I am so sorry-" She began to apologize, but the words died in her mouth as she saw who it was.
Lord Eddard Stark
the destroyer of her life.
Before he could say anything, she walked past him and muttered, "Lord Stark."

She remembers when she first met Lord Stark. when he wasn't anything to her, when he wasn't her father-in-law.
She had been in Westeros for one year at that point. Her lord father had planned a tournament for her at the Eternal Garden.
The honored guests were Lord Stark and His Grace Robert Baratheon, the first of his name. They were great friends with her late "father," but she knew who they were there for.

Prince Maekar Targaryen.
her real father.
Both father and daughter knew that his life would end soon.

As she sat and watched the melee, her father sat in a cold dungeon. Lord Vernize didn't want to put her princely father there, but his hands were bound.

During the melee, Ser Jaime Lannister asked for her favor and won the tournament by unseating a young knight from the vale. He named her the Queen of Love and Beauty.
Daenyra knew it was only to spite Lord Vernize.She thinks that was her last day of girlhood.
Her lord father told her the next day that she would be departing to Winterfell to marry Lord Starks' heir.

She wasn't happy. Robb Stark was 13 turning 14. Even though she was only a year older, it seemed as if there were worlds and ages between them.

The only good thing was when she was informed that Prince Maekar would too accompany her.
At that time, she didn't know that it was the cruelest thing to happen to her father.

She married Robb Stark in 297, after Aegon's conquest in Winterfell.
The day after Lord Stark took her father's head after months of torment.

And a few moons before, Lord Vernize died of an illness. Since then, she has been going back and forth between Winterfell and the Eternal Garden.

After both she and ser knight ate, they went to the courtyard.
When she arrived, Robb, Jon, and Bran were gone.
She left the courtyard and began to search for them.
She entered the castle once more but was pulled into a dark room. She was confused until she saw her lover's face.

"Jon, what are you doing?" She laughed.
"I wanted to see you," he said as he moved to kiss her.
"A deserter was found, and the father wants Bran to come with us."
"He is only a boy of ten," she replied.
"I know, but it's time for him to grow up, Winter-"
"-is coming," they said at the same time.
Jon just gave her a look.
She put her hands up, but "it's not my fault you are predictable," she said.
"Or maybe you just know me," replied Jon.
She just laughed and kissed him again.
"Go before they come looking for you," she told him.
He turned around to leave before surprising her by kissing her one last time.
"I'll see you later, my lady."

Whisperess of Dragons•Jon SnowWhere stories live. Discover now