An interlude: A conquering dreamer

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Many many years before

A storm was brewing above Dragonstone. A heavy storm Aegon observed.
He hadn't remembered such strong rain.
Aegon felt queasy all day.
Everyone in Dragonstone had noticed. Even his busy lord father had.

The young Targaryen lay in his bed trying to sleep and yet he couldn't.
He felt uneasy scared almost.
It couldn't be the storm. Hed never been scared of it, no welcomed it even.
He walked, read, and polished his sword, walked around the whole of Dragonstone, and then sleep finally found him.

It had been cold. Aegon had never felt such coldness before.
In front of him was a field of snow.
It was quiet.
Too quiet.
In the distance, he saw a light.
He began walking towards it until thousands of horses rode past him, knocking him so the ground.
Aegon couldn't believe his eyes.
The horses were dead as were the riders.
The sight had pulled all his hope from his body.
He felt the desperation of the living army trying to fight back.
He ran to them, trying to help them and get they couldn't reach them.
The living were losing.
He knew it and they all knew it as well.
Three dragons graced the sky blazing their fire down.
A green dragon, a black dragon, and a red dragon.

Suddenly he was pulled away.

He was in a crate of sorts.
A green sickly dragon lay in front of him.
She looked up to him curiously.
Like she knew who he was and why he was there.
A dragon keeper walked in.
The green dragon looked tired all of a sudden.
The keepers were at her side and laying her clutch of eggs next to her.
The eggs were stone he noted.
The she-dragon closed her eyes and let out a long breath.
"Tell King Dragonbane, the last dragon has left this world," said the dragon keeper in a thick Valyrian accent.

He was pulled away again.

He now stood in the desert in front of a flaming pyre.
He saw a knight.
One from Westeros.
The man looked worried sad even.
They stood there until the fire died down.
Someone rose from the ashes.
With burned hair
But most importantly with three dragons.
Azor ahai reborn.
A promised princess.
A born queen.

He looked away for a second and he was in a different place again.

Aegon saw three dragons.
Different dragons than from the pyre but the same red dragon from the fight against the dead.
A young woman with long silver hair and a streak of darkness in her hair approached the three dragons.
She sat on top of the red dragon but the other two took flight as well.
One of the riderless dragons, who was silver-coloured, was flying closer to the ground.
Aegon was confused.
The young woman stood up on her dragon, spread her arms, and fell backward.
"NO" he screamed trying to catch her.
But the silver dragon caught her.
She laughed loudly and sat up straight.
No this wasn't possible.No one could ride two dragons at the same time.
The silver-coloured dragon was flying next to an amethyst purple dragon and the ride jumped from one dragon to the other.
On the purple dragon, she suddenly turned around looking him in the eyes.
Time froze.
Then she looked straight again and flew up the skies.
There he could see the black dragon from the pyre and the purple dragon flying next to each other.
The whisperess of dragons.
A promised princess.

Now he was in a castle.
He could see a young man with dark curly hair.
"Your grace, The dead are coming" he heard him faintly saying to the yellow-haired woman.
She looked amused and disinterested.

The same man stood at the front of an army.
Aegon noticed all the different sigils.
All of the kingdoms united.
Together they would be the uniters of kingdoms, Prince/Princesses that were promised.
"Aegon," a familiar voice said over and over again.

His sister Visenya was looking down a him.
"It's noon."
He stood up startled.

He sat by his desk with a
parchment, paint, and charcoal infront of him.
He only saw one face and he remembered it perfectly.
So he began to paint.

Whisperess of Dragons•Jon SnowWhere stories live. Discover now