An Interlude: A little Bird (or a wolf in hiding)

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A/n: My first Inderlude of season 2 (and most likely my last). I love Sansa and I wanted to show what Daenyra (Amber) wrote to her. Daenyra loves the Starks (except Ned) and desperately wants them to be safe but her need for her own/ really family, so Daenerys and Maron, is in the forefront for her. Daenyra has given Sansa the most dangerous thing one could have in Westeros: Hope. I have also hinted at somethings in the letter of the future. Daenyra has stepped up and is ready to play.

Sansa woke up very early, rather she couldn't sleep.
Nightmares plagued her realm of dreams. Mostly of her father.

It was so early that she was sure that not even the servants were awake.

She stood up and walked barefoot to her table to get water.
As she was pouring herself a glass she noticed a letter that wasn't there before.

She looked around and picked the letter up.
Sansa was unsure whether or not she should open it but decided to open it anyway.

The elegant writing of Amber Vernize greeted her.

Dearest Sister

I know you must, no, do feel scared and alone.
I want you to know you are not forgotten.
Your mother and I are advocating for Robb to exchange Ser Jaime for you and your sister wherever she might be.
However, Robb is King now and in his words 'can't exchange the Kingslayer for a little girl'.
I'm sorry Sansa. I know your brother has disappointed you. I do ask you not to judge him too harshly. He is but a child himself carrying the weight of Kingdoms on his back.
I have a plan to get you out though I fear it will take time.

I will tell you this as I would like to be open with you.
You won't marry Joffrey, I made sure of that. At least I hope I have judged that bastard's court properly.
King Renly is dead and his widow, my cousin, Margaery Tyrell will marry Joffrey.
Her hand will be offered to him in front of the whole court.
And she will become his wife and queen.
As for you, we hope to marry you to one of my cousins Willas or Loras.
Both of them are kind men I promise you this. And should this prove to be wrong, I will make sure you won't be hurt.

We know your sister is missing but I do have people looking for her all around the country and even in Essos. So you mustn't worry.

I have heard of Joffrey's treatment of you and I say once more you should not worry anymore, or soon more accurately.
There are still good men in Kings Landing, though very scarce. I do believe that hounds are good.
Margaery and the reachmen will protect you once they arrive.

Burn this letter and should you want to write back to me, go to the godswood, hide it in the rose bush the little birds shall get it to me.

Trust me,
Yours faithfully


Tears rolled down Sansa's cheeks.
Was this a cruel joke to Jeffreys?
or the Queens?

No, she answered her own question.
she knew Amber's handwriting.
Sansa had watched Amber all the time in Winterfell.
She knew all of Amber's mannerisms. Amber would play with her jewellery, mostly her rings.
Amber would always write Sansa's name special.

Sansa couldn't figure out how but her name never looked as beautiful as when Amber wrote it.

she clutched the letter to her chest.
Amber had not forgotten her here.
Amber would get her out of here.

It didn't matter to Sansa when or how. She would be free and that's all that, mattered.
She could see her mother again.
Amber would find Arya and they would be reunited again. Sansa, Arya, Robb, Bran, Rickon and maybe even Jon.

Sansa tossed the letter in the fire and laid yed back in her bed.

Now the sweetest dreams ruled her.

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