Star and Snow

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A/n: Jon's pov,so we don't really get to see the other characters (Allyria,Quentyn,...) but we get to see the beginning of Jon and Daenyra's relationship!!
Also the hotd trailer hyped me up so bad!!
Also sorry that the chapter didn't come out sooner,my laptop kept crashing down so it didn't save the chapter.Had to rewrite it twice.

Jon sat with his family at breakfast, much to his stepmother's dismay. Only when important people from the south visited was he forbidden from eating at the same table as his family.

Lord Dayne and his household would accompany lady Amber to Winterfell, which meant that he would wait till the family and their honoured guests took their breakfast, take his, and sit at the bottom of the great hall at dinner.

But he would be able to watch her.
Breakfast, lunch, and dinner were the only times we were in the presence of Amber of House Vernize. Well, more like permitted.

Sometimes her eyes catch his.
She'd continue eating or talking, but she would always hold their eyes in contact.

Now he would have to wait weeks, maybe even months, to experience it again.

Jon watched his father. Eddard Stark looked almost nervous. Lady Catelyn looked tense, and his siblings looked excited.
Quentyn Dayne was a renowned writer, though not as famous as his younger brother. He was as mysterious as his sister, Ashara.
All the boys at Winterfell were excited to meet him. No great war ever came to the north.

Allyria Dayne, the youngest Dayne sibling, was said to be a great beauty but as fierce as her older brother. Arya was looking forward to meeting a dornish woman, and Sansa was looking forward to meeting a Southron lady.

Maester Luwin entered the Great Hall, announcing that the honoured guests would arrive by midday.

A small smile formed on Jon's face. His siblings, however, had huge grins on their faces.
Robb was looking forward to seeing his wife, Jon knew.
Though she never really talked to him,he thought.

The family lined up at midday, close to the gate . The rest of the stark household behind them, including Jon and Theon,

Six Dornish sand steeds rode through the gates of Winterfell,behind them were only two purple carriages.

On the first two horses were Amber and Aeron; behind them were a man and a woman, Lord Quentyn and Lady Allyria, he assumed.
The last riders he didn't recognize.

Only the Lord dismounted his horse.

He walked up to Jon's father and just stared.

Is this a family thing?

His gaze was so cold that it even burned Jon.
"Lord Qentyn."

Everyone noticed the lack of title as Lord Quentyn greeted Lord Stark.

Jon looked over to the riders and the people who had come out of the carriages.

Amber, on her dark horse, held her head high with a small smirk graceing her face. She wore a beautiful purple gown.
Aeron held the same expression. For the first time, Aeron didn't wear red. He wore a black tunic with purple embroidery.

One of the other riders looked a lot like Amber. The same nose, the same eyes, and even the same hair
Silver with a streak of black.
He looked to be a bit older than Robb and Jon, closer in age to Aeron and Theon.

The other boy looked to be their age.
He had the same dark hair as the Dayne siblings, but his eyes reminded him of someone.
It was the same as his own, Jon noticed.

Finally, everyone dismounted.
"It is most kind of you to receive us, Lord stark," said the sweet voice of the lady.
"I am Allyria," she introduced herself.

Amber held the two unknown people by the arm and brought them to the family.
"This is my cousin Gerold of High Hermitage." She gestured to the man with the same hair.

She paused. A huge smile crept on her face.
"And this is my brother, Maron."

Jon couldn't see his father's face, but his body could show his surprise.

He didn't see Amber, Aaron, or the daynes until the feast.
Lady Allyria sat next to Arya; the two places next to her were unoccupied.
It was likely for Amber and her uncle.

Finally, after what felt like a lifetime, Lord Quentyn and Lady Amber entered the great hall.
They walked up to the table until she staggered in her tracks.

She looked around until her eyes landed on him.
Amber turned to her uncle and whispered something in his ear.

His purple eyes found grey eyes as well.
"Where is your other son, Stark?"
"His place is with his family."

Amber pulled a chair from the table, and Lady Allyria marched down the hall. None of them waited for an answer.

The dornish woman stood him in front of him.
"My niece tells me that you are good."
"She does?"
"Yes," she smiled.
She looked at him expectantly.
"I shouldn't, my lady. It is a great insult to you and your house."
"We are dornish. Let us go."
She held him by the hand and pulled him up and then to the table.

"Now that everyone is here, we can begin." Lord Quentyn said.
"Could I give you a toast?" he asked Lord Stark.
"Of course."
"I know many, if not all,of you don't like us. We know that we are not well-liked in all parts of Westeros that are not dorne. But I am grateful. For your hospitality, yet we do not appreciate the whispers. Say your insults to our faces."
Everyone looked down in shame,though it was only a joke. Or so Jon thought but Lord Quentyn did saying with a certain humor in his voice,

"I am grateful to be here. with my sister, who every day reminds me of our lost mother and sister. Allyria, you are the best of me. I am grateful to see my niece and nephew together again, my beloved sister's children. Amber, Maron, I see so much in you."

He turned to Jon's father.

"I am grateful to be able to sit at your table even after everything. I say we toast to peace. Peace for the soul and peace for the seven kingdoms."
"Peace for the seven kingdoms." everyone repeated.

Jon was the first one to leave the great hall.
He felt overwhelmed, so he sought out the quietest place he could find.

the godswood.

He sat in front of the large tree, thinking about nothing.

"Why are you out here?"
"My lady," he said.
"Please sit and call me Amber."
He sat back down. She walked over to him.

"Are you alright, my...Amber?"
she smiled.
"Yes, I just talked to my cousin." The expression on her face confused Jon.
"He is a little...jealous of my uncle Arthur. He wishes to be the next sword of the morning."
"And he talked about being off the night? and something about being a Darkstar." Jon laughed.
"If he is a Darkstar, does that make you a lightstar?"
"I guess it does," she laughed.

Her laughter was infectious.
They laughed for what seemed like hours about something that wasn't that funny.
Until she leaned in.
Her lips cut off his laughter.
He froze but quickly recovered when he felt her moving away.

One of her hands was buried in his hair, the other on his shoulder.
He moved to cup her head, deepening their kiss.

They kissed until he had to pull away to take a breath.

She looked at him and waited for a second before pulling him in again.

They kissed under the Weirwood tree, underneath the stars, and Jon knew that should he die tonight, he would die happily.

They kissed, and he didn't care about anything.
It was not about his brother he was betraying,not about honour.
He could never have her, not really anyway, but now in this moment he was hers and she was his.

Whisperess of Dragons•Jon SnowWhere stories live. Discover now