Part 1

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Listen to the song after you finish reading and you'll understand how it hurt my heart.

From the age of 16, omegas can work as maids or strippers, anything else is a beta or alphas job. They will be paid, but all the money goes to the parents, non to the omega who should just sit back and be pretty. Most parents of an omega hate their child with a passion and this was true for our main character as well.

Both parents being alphas, it was quite rare to see their only son be an omega. Especially when throughout his entire life, he was angry, hated kids, and argued back to his parents. He was a strong boy as well, so no one could have thought he of all people could be an omega.

Omegas had no rights as well, could be freely raped, couldn't stand up to others without punishment and a lot of other things.

Katsuki was asleep when he had his first heat at 14, when he realized what was going on, his mother was already in the room cursing him out and hitting him. Neither of his parents cared about him from then on.

He had to stay thin, stay silent, and do everything he was told to perfectly the first time. He learned to stay silent and not argue anymore, and he only ate one meal a day to stay thin. He cooked, cleaned, and made sure everything was alright in the house.

He was 15 now, one day till his birthday, and his parents were getting him a job with a rich man so he wouldn't be in their house anymore.


"Yes ma'am?" Katsuki spoke softly to his mother, making sure not to look her in the eyes. He was currently in a baggy gray shirt and black sweatpants.

"Pack everything you have, I got your ungrateful ass a job with one of the richest men alive. One mistake and I'm sure he'll fire you, don't you dare embarrass me."

"Yes ma'am."

He went up to his room, and packed all his clothes into a small duffle bag. That was all he had now, his parents took away anything valuable that he didn't need.

He just hoped the alpha wouldn't be too bad, wouldn't hurt him, and maybe help him out during his heats. Katsuki felt butterflies in his stomach thinking about it.

An alpha helping him out during his heats, a dream come true for any omega. The pleasure of someone inside of them, brutally thrusting and making the omegas insides turn to jelly.

His knees felt weak thinking about it, he's only even been able to use his fingers in his heats. They were never enough, never enough pleasure, never enough friction even when he was stimulating his prostate.

It took so long to cum even when using his hand to pump his cock. He truly hated it, but now, maybe he would get real action, real pleasure.

He grabbed his bag and put it by his door, he still had chores to do for the rest of the day before he could dream about sex. His mother would get mad if he didn't hurry up and get back to work as well, and he didn't want that in the slightest.

~Timeskip brought to you by Kastuki hoping Izuku has a big dick~

It was 9:37 now, and Katsuki had finished everything he needed to do for the night, so he went into his room and grabbed some clothes from the duffle bag. A big white t-shirt, black boxers and black tights.

He brought the clothes and set them on the counter in his bathroom. He started the shower and got undressed, relaxing under the shower when he got in.

He began to think of what would happen between him and this unknown man. He hoped he had big hands, ones that could easily crush him if the man wanted to. Hands that could wrap around his neck and hold him in place, cutting oxygen from his lungs.

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