Part 5

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I hope you like this chapter, I have a few references to my last story that I discontinued, call them out for the people who don't know.

And thank you for the support, it means a lot


Katsuki had decided to go downstairs and get a tiny snack, a small orange does the trick when he's a bit hungry. He fixed a bit of apple juice with it would be nice.

He rolled the orange in between his hands to loosen the peel and took it off in one piece. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and watched some cooking videos, he liked learning new recipes that he would never think of himself.

The one he was watching was a mac and cheese casserole. He thought it looked good, something simpler but not completely. (Video at top)

He sat at the barstools as he did this, leaning on the island with his elbow. He used the new earbuds to listen to the video, not really paying attention to his surroundings.

He didn't even hear the door open or close, nor the footsteps coming towards him. He felt a hand rub his back for a second, he quickly turned around to see Izuku, letting out a sigh after.

"What? I scare you?"

Katuki did a small nod and turned back to his phone, hearing the small chuckle from the alpha. The picture came back to his mind, the omega, where could they be

"Umm... I saw a picture in your room of you and... an omega." Katsuki spoke unsure of himself, a weird feeling in his stomach as he did.

The alpha stayed silent for a moment, looking to the ground.

"I'll tell you about it another day." He spoke leaving the room.

"Why do you need me if you have another omega in your life!" Katsuki yelled before he could think, making the alpha stop in their tracks.

"The omega in that picture is dead."

Neither said a thing, the alpha went to his room, and the omega stayed in his seat, feeling terrible.

Izuku walked into his room, went straight to the picture, picked it up, and stared at it. His omega, his soulmate, a true love and a true relationship.

It was true, that his family was known to kill omegas, but that thought had never once crossed his mind. He had never laid a hand on an omega unless they wanted him to or he was comforting them.

The thing with soulmates was, that you have two, if one rejected you or died, there was another one. But it doesn't mean it's any less painful, losing a mate for any reason could break someone.

He remembered too clearly the day it happened, the day he had lost his soul.

Izuku turned to the blond omega, his pink-red eyes glowing. It was the day of the omega's birthday, he had turned 18 today.

"Kacchan? Do you want to tell them?"

The blond boy looked over to Izuku, nodding with a small smile.

Kacchan and Deku nicknames the two gave each other as kids, two would never leave each other's sides since they were 4. Their hormones caught up to them when they were 16, having sex at Izuku's house when his father wasn't home, and finding out they were soulmates that night.

The two decided they wouldn't tell their parents yet, and would wait for a good time to do so.

"Everybody!" Izuku yelled, gathering the attention at the two, Izuku smiled at Kacchan for a second before continuing.

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