Part 6

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 "And what would that be?" Izuku asked, curious about what could have been bothering the omega.

"I uh... I was wondering... if you... would spend my heat with me?" Katsuki asked, not looking at the alpha. What if he said no, it would hurt a lot, he chose to want to spend his heat with him even though he barely knew him.

He also knew that because of the alpha's scent on basically everything, he would have a hard time during his heat and maybe try to find the alpha to make the pain disappear.

Even if they didn't go all the way, Izuku helping Katsuki would build trust in the alpha's abilities to contain himself. He could trust that the alpha would not get carried away if he had a fake heat.

*fake heat: an omega having a similar effect and want as a heat, only they cannot control themselves, takes an orgasm to get them out of this state.*

He had heard of stories of alpha commanding omega's not to cum until they tell them to, and then using them for rounds at a time before letting them cum. He was always worried about that happening, though he had never had that happen before.

"Are... are you sure, I don't wanna push you, and if this is to make up for last night then no." The alpha said, a slightly worried look on his face.

"I'm sure, I want you to, not as payback or anything either," Katsuki said, continuing to cook.

"I'll do it then, but if you change your mind, don't be afraid to tell me, I won't be mad."

"Ok," Katski spoke, hearing the slight grumble from the alpha from embarrassment.

When he had finished the food he put it on two plates, one had half the amount as the other since he wasn't used to eating so much.

"Deku, breakfast is done!" Katsuki slightly yelled, putting the plates down on the table. He sat at his spot and took some eggs up with his fork, watching Izuku enter the dining room and sit in front of his plate.

After a few minutes of silence, other than eating noises (I hate hearing people chew, it makes me want to hurt someone) Izuku broke the silence.

"So when is your next heat?" Izuku asked, looking at Katsuki with a bit of concerned eyes.

"Around 2 weeks from now, a little less maybe," Katsuki said, breaking the eye contact between them, and looking back at his food, he only had a few bites left.

"Alright, do... Do you want to go all the way?"

"No... but I don't think my body will let me have my heart alone, not with your scent everywhere," Katsuki said, stealing a glance from the alpha.

He couldn't lie, he was a little embarrassed at the fact that he wouldn't be able to control himself for the most part during his heat, but the fact that he was going to do that with an alpha in the room.

He didn't even know if he could ever look at the man in the same way again.

He took his plate to the sink and took a sip of his soda, feeling the ever-slight burn of the acids in it, the bubbles popping on his tongue. He hadn't had any kind of soda in so long.

He looked at his can for a few seconds... he got cheated out of a real childhood because of some stupid second gender.

For the same reason, he got cheated out of motherly and fatherly love.

But did they even really love him?

They did let a stupid second gender change their whole view of their son.

If you love someone... you support them unconditionally.


"Hey, you ok?"

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