Part 3

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don't be mad at izu~

Katsuki was on his 4th page on the doc when he finally got writer's block, unsure of what to make his character do next, should she run away from the prince or try to build a relationship with him.

He could make her fall in love with someone else in the future or never at all, or marry the prince like he's asking her to. There were no omega, beta,or alpha dynamics in this book, making it fiction.

He truly wanted to make the character a strong female who could stand up for herself and didn't need a man to protect her, so running away sounded good, but that would go with her personality at all.

Maybe he could marry her and the prince in the future and then a war could break out showing how strong she really was, as well as her having to save her arrogant ass husband and maybe humble him some.

He wanted to save this for later though, think over every option she had, and put everything about her into the perspective of the choice he makes for her. He truly hoped it turned out good though.

The edit audio playlist finally ended, meaning it had been about an hour of writing and choosing what the characters are like and brainstorming ideas for the plot. It honestly hurt his brain quite a bit, so taking a break for about an hour or two would be in his best interest.

He still had to make lunch for the alpha, he already ate for his one time today, he couldn't eat again so he could stay thin. If the alpha kicked him to the curb for being too fat, his parents would kill him, with no remorse.

He lend back in the chair, sighing, closing his eyes. He had a migraine now from the writing, despite it he still did it, he did help him calm down if he writes for a half hour. He had nothing to do though, so he just kept writing, and writing.

He sat back up and closed the laptop, putting the headphones back in its case, and getting up. He grabbed his phone and rubbed his eyes. He gets a little sleepy if he writes as well, not that he minds.

He opened his door and went down to the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge. He drank a bit of it then set it on the counter, feeling the coldness leave his hand as he let go.

He didn't know what the alpha liked, and the alpha didn't want to be bothered right now, he had something important to do. He looked out the window, watching a few birds fly passed into the sky, guided by the wind.


Hearing Izuku speak startled him, making him let out a small squeak as he looked behind him. He let out a heavy breath as the alpha before him chuckled.

"You getting started on lunch or something?" The alpha asked with a raised brow, crossing his arms, making his muscles bulge. A soft blush covered Katsuki's cheeks as he looked the alpha in the eyes.

"I was, but I don't know what you like." Katsuki said, looking away, sorta pouting. Hearing a small chuckle, he looked back at the alpha, seeing a smirk and a dangerous look in his eyes.

"You can make us some katsudon." The alpha said with a playful smirk, looking the omega up and down.

"I'll make you some katsudon, I can't eat again today." The omega said in a matter of fact tone, turning around to start prepping the materials.

"What do you mean you can't eat again, it's not even 12 yet and you're super thin!" That alpha said angrily, unable to figure out why he wasn't gonna eat when he was so thin.

"Alphas want a thin omega, if I get too fat you'll kick me out! My parents will kill me without hesitation at that point!" Katsuki yelled, angry that the alpha was being so dull-minded.

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