Part 8

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announcement at the end

Izuku walked into his home, the aroma calming his nerves, the stress of the day dripping off slowly with the familiar sense. His company had a big project they needed done in 5 months, and it needed supervision the entire time!

He would be working a lot, but he told his company that he would be needing time to "take a break" from the project, not saying anything about Katsuki, or his heats. Which meant they needed to start right away and go for long hours before they got off, tomorrow was the first day, they had to be there at 8 in the morning and go till 10 at night.

He knew he had to tell Katsuki, he didn't know how though, probably over a movie, or a cuddle puddle.

Seeing Katsuki nowhere in sight, he looked through the fridge, seeing pasta. He wasn't a big on pasta person, he liked it though.

He got a bowl and filled it with a big helping, shoving it in the microwave and heating it up, scrolling on his phone as he waited. Hearing the beeping when it was done, getting a fork and parmesan cheese. Stirring in the cheese with his fork before taking some noodles, wrapping them around his fork, and taking a hefty bite.

His eyes were blown open by the taste, even though it was in the fridge, it tasted like magic. He definitely had to praise the omega for this, it was amazing, although it was a bit spicy, but due to him being an alpha, it didn't faze him much.

He took his bowl upstairs with him, eating as he went, and went into the omegas room to see what he was doing, seeing him reading a book in his nest.

"Oh, your home! I didn't notice, how was your day?" Katsuki said, quickly bookmarking his book, and laying it next to him.

"Tiring, yours?" The taller man said, taking another bite of his pasta, and leaning on the doorframe. His eyes watched the omega with a sense of protectiveness, seeing the omega in a nest inside his own home, and yet the younger one had no idea what he was doing to him.

"Boring, had nothing to do... except sleep and read, y'know."

"God, I wish I could have!" Izuku said, chuckling, it reminded him of times he spent with his Kacchan, and yet... it didn't bring any sadness with it.

He took the last bites of the pasta and set the bowl on the desk next to the door, before walking to the edge of the nest.

"Can I enter?"

Katsuki blushed, letting an alpha in an omegas nest meant a connection, and while he did know one was there, it was intimate.

After thinking for a minute, he moved over some, and nodded his head. Izuku carefully entered, making sure not to disturb the nest.

"Sit in my lap, it's comfier."

Katsuki obliged, the alpha laying his head on his shoulder and smelling his scent gland, the feeling of him exhaling on them making him incredibly pleasured.

"If you don't want me to be touchy, just say, I won't be mad at you." Izuku says looking up at Katsuki, he felt like he needed to make sure the omega was ok, he needed to know he wasn't going to hurt him by doing any of this.

"It's ok, it f-feels good."

He sounded like he was struggling not to moan, making a sense of pride fill Izuku. A heavy blush covered Katsuki's cheeks feeling the alpha nibble at his scent glands.

That wasn't all he was going to do though.

His hands came to life at a small moan, one going up his shirt, the other touching and squeezing the omegas thighs.

His tongue began to lick the scent gland slowly, before he started to suck and leave marks in Katsuki.

"O-oh fuck... nh.. too m-much..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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