Part 4

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"Your room?" The omega asked with a smug look and crossed his arms.

"Yeah, my room, if you want to of course." The alpha spoke in a low yet dominant voice, you could hear the desire embedded in it as he spoke.

"Really? Heh, and what would we be doing?" The omega spoke confidently, and teasingly, knowing damn well that the alpha could make him regret the words he was letting spill.

"Well... we could... cuddle." The alpha spoke as he got closer before caging the omega to the counter.

"Ooor... watch a movie, heh, and make out." The alpha spoke again, letting the two's lips almost touch, staring into each other's eyes—a slightly heavy blush on both of their faces.

"We could... have a little fun, get a little touchy, fuck." He then attacked the smaller person's lips, feeling how they needly kiss back, almost like this, cured them of every disease ever.

The omega wrapped his arms around the older man's neck, pulling him closer. He needed this so badly, so much that his body and mind couldn't think of anything but making love to the man.

He could feel the slick beginning to pool at his ass.

The alpha's hands grabbed at the small of his back, one trailed down further until one finger was under the fabric of his tights, asking for permission.

The kiss broke as the alpha moved down to suck on the omega's neck, wanting to paint it in an array of hickeys.

"I... I want the last option, fuck I need it so badly, just fuck me already." His heavy breathing made his voice so much more raspy and sexy, the alpha growling at the sound of it.

The hand slid into his pants, gripping one of the omegas plump ass cheeks, earning a soft mewl in response. One finger went to the omegas hole, softly touching it, before circling it.

The alpha put his mouth by the ear of Katsuki, knowing that it was the omega's first time meant he had to be slow, and careful. If one thing went wrong and messed up the whole thing, the omega may never want sex ever again, be scared of it possibly.

"I'll be gentle, shhhh, I promise it will feel wonderful," Izuku whispered into Katsuki's ear, he knew the omega had some anxiety despite how much his body wanted it.

When he felt the omega relax enough, he slowly slid the finger into the omega, feeling it was a little loose but not enough for two fingers.

"Hold onto me baby, gonna take us to my room." The alpha said softly, wanting to make sure the omega was okay and wasn't scared.

He slid his finger out and put a soft kiss on the omega's cheek.

The omega hoisted himself up, holding onto the alpha's neck and wrapping his arms around the alpha's waist. The alpha began to walk to his room, one hand holding the omegas back and the other holding his ass, as he went up the stairs.

The omega buried himself in the alpha's scent glands, frustrated as to why his body wanted it so badly but was afraid of it. Maybe he just wasn't meant to have sex with him, he just truly didn't know, and felt like a failure for it.

He was too busy in thought to hear the door opening, but he felt the alpha sit down, and he got off the alpha.

"It's okay to be scared, normal actually, you just have to look past it." The omega had seated next to the alpha, legs over the edge of the bed, looking at the ground.

The omega sighed, letting a silent tear drip down his cheek. The alpha saw, knowing then that despite the omega's body wanting to do it, his mind was not.

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