Chapter 32: I Never Wanted Any of This...

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Dean's POV* Next monday

A week went by. Still No Payton. I started worrying if he was okay...

I text his friend Dan, and he told me he had seen him at work this week, but they weren't speaking. He wasn't talking with Dan either? That was just perfect! The one person I could try to get a hold of him through, was also at odds with him. What was Payton even doing?

I reached my limit, and decided it was time to call him directly.

Straight to voicemail. FUCK!

"Payton... Please..." I sobbed through the phone. "I miss you... Please.... Please come back... I want to work this out... Please give me a chance to fix this..." I hung up the phone and began to sob.

I'd never had him stay angry with me this long. We had many fights in the past, but we always made up after doing a small gesture for one another, or bringing the other a favorite snack. I couldn't even do that though.

I laid in his bed again trying to be as close to him as I could, but after a week of me being in here, his scent was replaced with my own. I could feel him slipping further and further away from me as the days past, and pretty soon he be out of my life forever.

It was now Friday. Payton had now been ignoring me for two entire weeks now.

I was defeated at this point. I had lost hope that he would be coming back at all.

I decided to just ignore my thoughts of him, and just focus on bettering myself. I started going to the gym again, and also began doing mindfulness exercises in my spare time. I felt I was finally starting to turn a corner.

Then he fucking texted me.

Sent at 2:28pm
'Hey.' Was all he said at first, but then another text came in after it.

Sent at 2:28PM
'I'm sorry I haven't been answering... I've been caught up with... Well... You know... Um... I think we should talk. I said some shit I shouldn't have, and for that I'm truly sorry. Would you want to come to dinner at Ben's? I don't want to fight anymore... we've been friends for way too long to throw it all away.'

I stared at his text for a long time. What was with the change in heart all of a sudden? I really didn't want to reply.

Sent at 2:33PM
'I can see you reading these. Answer me please Dean.'

Fuck... He knew I'd seen the texts. I swallowed hard and started typing.

Sent at 2:34PM
'Payton... I've texted you so many times these past couple of weeks... And now out of the blue you want to make up and be friends again?' I texted him, feeling extremely upset.

Sent at 2:34PM
'I know... You have every right to be mad at me Dean.... But that's why we should talk. I've been shitty to you, and it was really undeserved.'

Sent at 2:34PM
'Shity is an understatement Payton.' I texted in annoyance.

Sent at 2:35PM
'Dean. I'm sorry.' He texted with remorse.

He sent another text after that one.

Sent at 2:35PM
'I... I wasn't thinking...'

I started a long paragraph to him.

Sent at 2:37PM
'Payton I've know as long as I can even remember. I know you act stupid, I know you're impulsive, but you literally threw our friendship away for a guy. I never threw our friendship away for Margo. Even when she would always tell me to stop being friends with you, I stayed loyal to us... I'm just hurt because you think what you did was just another thing in life that doesn't have a consequence. But you said it yourself that night Payton... Our decisions do have consequences!

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