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Chapter 6.

A fun time with a fun guy

It's been a three weeks, I threw myself into making beats, DJ gigs, and chats with Mavis over the phone. I even went to a couple of therapy sessions just to get myself back on track, though I didn't mention Alex's push to me feeling off track. I've heard nothing from Alex but I just ignored it.

There was something though that I couldn't fully ignore.

That damn card that was still sitting in my purse. I went to my room taking a bag of Cheeto puffs with me. I tossed them the side, grabbed my purse, took out the card and before I could talk myself out of it I dialed the number.


"Hey this is-"

"Tareea.." he sounded almost breathless as he said my name, like it wasn't real.

I giggled, "yes it's me Tareea. This is Zane right?"

"Of course Sweetheart. I'm so glad you decided to call." I smiled at the name. "Really?"

"Yes. I saw you not too long ago actually, last week. You Dj'ed at my brothers bachelor party." The news surprised me. "I was tempted to come and speak to you but I decided to just wait. I figured if you wanted anything to do with me you'd call."

"And here we are.." I mumbled. "I didn't see you though? I was watching the crowd the whole time."

"Exactly why you didn't see me."

"What you don't like dancing?"

He laughed softly. "Hell no. I love dancing but when I say I'm a man with moves I mean it. My brother didn't want me to upstage him so I just opted out the dancing, not to mention I was scared to get puked on by those drunk ass niggas."

I let out chuckle. I laid back on my bed getting comfy. "Really? I'd have taken you for someone with two left feet."

He snorted. "Sweetheart trust me I'm not like your boyfriend."

I sat stunned before a real- genuine laugh racked through me. One of those laughs where you bursted out laughing then silently laughed, gasped for air, then continued to silently laughed.

"Are you alright???" He asked hearing me gasp.

"Y-yeah just- Gimme-....Sec-"

"Give you sex? That's bold sweetheart, what about your boyfriend? I mean I doubt he's doing the job but still-"

"WOAH-" I cut him off. "Pause nigga I said Sec. Give me a Sec as in second. I was laughing and I couldn't breath!"

"So what you're saying is.....You're not bold?"

I smacked my teeth. "I'm bold."

"If you are really bold Tareea how about we meet up somewhere, maybe a club? You can show me how you get down Sweetheart?"

"You gonna boogie too?"


"......Give me two hours, send me an address."

"See you soon sweetheart." *Click*

I hopped up and started to get ready, I just had to make sure I chose something I'd feel comfortable dancing in.


I did a brown gloss on my lips and didn't bother with any other makeup other than my mascara

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I did a brown gloss on my lips and didn't bother with any other makeup other than my mascara. I decided to just pick my fro and call it a day with my hair. I did my usual check, grabbed a jacket, and then I was out the door.

I sent Zane a text letting him know I was right outside the club, he let me know he was just pulling into the parking lot.

I got out and stood on the sidewalk, watching as a couple of cars pulled in. I wondered which one was his. I didn't have to wonder for long. He stepped out of a big black sleek truck. I inhaled, eyeing him as he walked over to me with a smile on his lips. I smiled back when he was closer and gave him a little finger wave.

"Tareea, sweetheart. You look beautiful."
"Thank you...You look handsome yourself."

And damn he did.

"We're matching a bit arent we?" I tilted my head

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"We're matching a bit arent we?" I tilted my head. His eyes racked down my body liesurly before coming back up. Gray, his eyes were kind of gray-ish brown.
"Great minds think alike yeah?" He gave me a dimpled smile and a shrug. I hummed in reply.

"C'mon, this place is a little bit of a hole in the wall kind of joint."
"I know!" I quipped. "It was hell to find but you were the one that was late, funny." I rolled my eyes playfully as I followed him in.

"Terribly sorry sweetheart, just wanted to make sure I looked nice." He rubbed his beard and licked his lips a little. I suddenly got the overwhelming urge to kiss him.

I buried it down.


Sum else gon get buried soon 🥴

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