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Chapter 12.


Tareea and I had went our separate ways to get ready the night. She had went to her house to get her clothes and I went back home, making sure I smelled and looked good for my baby.

I cursed myself, sitting Infront of her grandfather's house waiting for her.

I was already thinking of her as mine and we hadn't even been on a real date.

"God I'm so fucking delusional," I said aloud. I got out the car, letting the cool evening air sweep over me. I smoothed down my shirt a little and licked my lips. I really hoped she would like my outfit.

It was simple but still it took me long as hell to pick it just cause I didn't want to wear black

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It was simple but still it took me long as hell to pick it just cause I didn't want to wear black......As we can see I still wore black. I popped the first few buttons and fixed my chain.

When she finally walked out all I could think was,

"Damn...." My eyes followed her as she came closer, I couldn't help but stand and stare. She walked with a sway in her hips that I just knew made her ass bounce and I damn near wished she would walk away, but I had all night for her to walk in front of me.

I walked closer to her, staring down at her. "Sweetheart, you look delicious." I licked my lips remembering earlier how I had devoured her.

She smiled, "mm I know

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She smiled, "mm I know. You look good too, the brown pants is an interesting choice...but a pleasant one."

I smiled, placing my hands in the curves if her hips. "Tell me how you really feel," I quirked one of my eyebrows.

She placed a hand on my bicep and stood closer to me, leaning up to my ear. "I could really, really take you inside and to my room right now. Bend over and show you how I really feel.." she whispered, pulling away from me with an innocent smile. She moved away completely and got into the passenger side of the car leaving me dumbfounded.

When did she get so bold?

I adjusted myself in my pants before getting in the car.


On the way there I give my baby- um....Reea the Aux. Surprisingly she played Lofi-Jazz. It was nice and relaxed the ride. During the ride she told me about how she started making beats as an independent artist. I loved how she spoke about her talent, she lit up with it like it was the fire in her soul.

I want her to light up like that when she talks about me to someone else. I want her to not be able to hold back her smile or laugh.

As soon as I had seen her in the club, I just knew she was the one, but only if she made a move. I wanted to apply pressure but not too much. I wanted her to know that I wanted her and that I was willing to do a Little chasing but she still has to come to me.

We pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant and then went in.
Her friends, Mavis and Quin were waiting for us at a table. We had all decided to go to a nice restaurant. Mavis wore a silk deep green dress with a V-cut and her husband wore a simple white button down with black pants. I'd say we all looked amazing.

We greated eachother all handshakes and hugs before allowing the Hostess to walk us to our table. Of course like a gentleman I pulled out Tareea's chair. She looked up at me with a smile, "thank you.."

Her voice sounded so soft and sultry, so sweet. It made me feel warm and relaxed. I smiled back an gave her a kiss in the cheek before taking my own seat.
Mavis gave me a once over. "So.....Have you guys done the devils tango?"

I couldn't help but burst out laughing, Reea's jaw dropped, and even Quin look a bit flabbergasted.

"Umm, Have you guys done the devils tango?" I shot back with a playful smile on my lips.
"Touchè," she smirked.

We all laughed and picked up our menus. "What appetizer are we thinking about?" Quin asked aloud. Reea hummed, "I think we should get two. And one of them should definitely kalamari." Mavis sounded her agreement.

"Well let me be the little kid and say-" Quin paused for dramatic effect.


I nodded heavily. "Absolutely!"
"A fan favorite am I right?"
"Couldn't agree more."

The ladies rolled their eyes but didn't make any protest. "We should get a bottle for the table. Rose?" Reea offered.

"Actually..." Mavis pulled something from her purse, an ultrasound photo. "No more drinking for me!" She fake cried before smiling brightly. We all gasped except for Quin and clapped quietly but excitedly for the two of them.

"Oh my gosh do you guys know the gender?" I asked. They shrugged, "but we're hoping for a girl."

The women prattled on about the baby as we ordered our appetizers and waited. Quin and I spoke about politics and such.


The next chapter will be similar to this one. (Simple and light....sorta) They're really just fillers for what's next. 👀🫴🏽

We're taking a little trip to the past 🫢

I'm rlly hoping you guys enjoy that chapter bc it took a lot to come up with lmaoooo 😭😭


Cuz it's special, like y'all 🫵🏽🥹

The four ppl reading this lmaooooooooo

Peace ✌🏽


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