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Chapter 8.

"His Wants"

As I guide his cock into my pussy we both moan breathlessly, then I ride him to ecstacy.

My hips grind and my ass taps his groin as I ride. Every movement I make is calculated and precise to bring him to the edge, and it works.

His hands grip onto my love handles and his moans make sexy music in the air. "That's it, it feels good doesn't it?" I'm panting and moaning as his movements make my lower body feel weak from the slow rub of his cock against my pleasure spot.

"I'm not gonna last-" he groans. "It feels so good, so fucking good-" his entire body tenses beneath me and his toes curl. I let out a little giggle and get up to turn around. His chest is heaving and his face looks so....


I lead him back inside me. I'd planned to tease him a tiny bit before letting him back inside but he just looks so fuckable. My hips start their slow movement once more. 


I'm sweating, literally and figurative. It feels like she's wrapped me in a torturous kind of heaven. Even though her movements are slow her breasts bounce with the same subtleness that her ass had, probably still has. My entire body feels weak, sensitive, pleasured. 

"Zane. Keep your eyes on me baby," she sounds so pretty. I open up my half closed lids looking at her face. "Faster, ride me faster." I bring my hands up to her breasts and squeeze them. I know she wants to please me, bring me to the places I've brought her and she is. I'm so thankful can't even begin to describe how I feel. However nothing is better than seeing her face when she feels too good. 

The way her eyebrows scrunch up, her lips part, and her eyes gloss over. 

That's what I want to see while I nut. 

And she gives me that and more. Her hands press into my chest as she leverages herself and fucks herself on my cock. My cock throbs as she clenches and unclenches around me like she's really trying to milk me. I reach between us to rub her clit and like the movement is magic my name falls from her lips in a beautiful moan. I respond back with her own name.

"Oh fuck-" she gasps.
"Tareea, I'm close." She looks at me and nods. Immediately she begins moving in a way I can only describe as Euphoric. I feel myself tense up and I know I'm not going to last so I rub her clit faster. Her voice raises up an octave and mine forms her name in my lips.

Tilting my head back I attempt to keep my lidded eyes on her face. Her walls squeeze me hard, soft, squishy, wet, heat wrapped around me. "Tareea-" we both explode. I watch her face as she falls apart ontop of me and she watches mine.

Her eyes gloss over and widen, mouth opens in a silent moan, her grip on my chest tightens and her brows furrow as she gasps in a breath of air. I'm not sure how my own face looks all I can feel is all my muscles relaxing and my entire body melting into the couch after she's emptied me.  She lifts her hips enough for my plop out of her, then leans her face down to mine and rains my face in gentle kisses.

My heart flutters and I find myself smiling so hard it hurts, showing the dimple I know she secretly adores. "Tareea," I'm 4 kisses from giggling.

"Yes baby?"
I suck in a breath I hope isn't noticeable and place my hands on her hips. "What're you doing?"
"What you don't like it?" She cups my face, rubbing my beard gently, and looks at me with those pools of near black brown.

She smiles knowingly. "You want?"

God what is this feeling? So.... nourishing? Can she hear my heart beating? Can she tell my face is heating up? I can't help but think how crazy it is that I haven't felt this...tingly about someone since fucking high school. I try so hard to keep cool and calm around her, to have that level of maturity. But every time I'm around her she makes me feel so alive, years younger, daring, and makes me realize  that without even knowing it I've put walls up.

Just to be clear I haven't had a traumatic romantic experience, surprisingly. Ive never been a player nor been with someone who's played me unless I just never found out. Of course I've been hurt by many breakups and rejections but nothing major.

My life has been pretty simple and sweet aside from racism which im sadly numb to and of course death which I'm not numb to.

"Why're you looking at me like that?" Her soft voice breaks through my thoughts. I refocus, "I.......really like you Tareea." It's a small confession. One I've made several times in my 40 years of life but this one feels so different. It feels like middle school.

Feels like Becky, first girl I ever confessed to. Pretty 7th grader with long loose curls, sweetest smile in the whole 7th grade class.
A very agressive rejection.

But this isn't little mixed Becky who needed a white boyfriend to have pretty blue eyed babies with.

This is Tareea. Hair type maybe 4c? Darkbrown honey melanin. Almost black stunning eyes. Round cheeks in two places, and the sweetest smile in the world.

She giggles and kisses me so hard I can hear everything she's trying to say. "I like you too Zane. Alot."

She wants to say so much more and so do I.

Not I love you....Not that but what's a word that means ur so close to that. More than like but less than love?

I hold her hands to my face and revel in this wholesome moment. I know we're both sweaty and our genitils are sticky. But with her hands on my face and her forehead touching mine, her weight on top of me...

Everything else fades out.

Our breathing syncs and maybe our hearts do too. I'm such a fuckjng sap. Neither of us move so maybe we're both saps. Maybe she's thinking and feeling the same feelings I am.

Maybe we're both just going through the motions and I feels amazing. I tilt my head and kiss her palm.

She presses a kiss to my fkrehead then retracts herself. "Water." I find myself moving only to be pushed back.

"I didn't ask you to get it. Don't worry about it I got it baby." She kisses my cheeks and walks off to the kitchen, hips swaying in a way that makes me want to reply the last 15 minutes.
My composure.....

Eyes closed, head downward, palms up.

Dear Higher Entity

Let this be it.
Not a lesson.
Not an experience.
Let her be the one.
She feels more than right.
More than amazing.
She's more than beautiful.
More than intelligent.
She's damaged and I want to fix her.

Please allow her to me and I to her

She stands in front of me holding two bottles of water. "What'd you pray about?" She lightly twists one of the caps then hands the half open bottle to me. "Us."

Her head tilts curiously as she sits. "Us?"
"Yeah..." I put my hand on her thigh sitting up. "I want to be with you, not right at this moment. But I'm not trying to date you for some temporary thing. I want to be with you until death does us part."

For a while she's silent, just drinking her water and I begin to wonder if that was too heavy.

"Well old man you better stay fucking healthy." Her smile is so bright.


How do we feel about Zane's POV this chapter?
I know it was kind of...Poetic maybe?

But I like it.

Soundslike he was written by a woman 😌

I should mention that there is no real timing in this book unless made clear it's the next day or the same day. 

So um Zane and Tareea have had interactions outside of what ya'll have read, mostly over the phone though. And Mavis as well. 

Mentioning this because the upcoming chapters won't make sense unless I do lol. 

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