25. 🥵🥵

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Chapter 25.

Pop that Pussy like sum Ibuprofen

Pops decided he wanted to continue as life was with a few changes in diet and exercise. Part of that meant joining Zane's dance studio, he did classes with the elderly on Tuesdays and Saturdays.

I mean- you could come any day but those days classes were catered for those who may have to dance sitting or are only able to move so much. It included a lot of stretching.

Anyways I'd stayed with pops for about two weeks barely seeing my friends or anyone while he got use to his diet and exercising. We, of course stayed in contact.

Court date?

3Weeks. July 11th.

I won't be worrying about that for now. Right now I'm pulling into Zane's apartment with a week worth of clothes in my trunk.

I texted him that I was outside and before I could even get out the car he was out he door heading towards me with a big smile, dimple sinking into his cheek. I wanted to kiss him so bad. His red joggers hung low on his hips and his apron which he wore no shirt under waved as the wind brushed it the bottom of it to the side.

He leaned down to my window and planted a big kiss on my lips, "Hi sweetheart." He sounded breathless. He open the door for me but I took a moment rolling up my windows and turning the car off.

"Hello Handsome," I drawled. The car door slammed behind me but I paid no mind as my arms reached up to his neck pulling him down for another kiss. His hands squeezed at my ass, cupping it from the underside my thin leggings doing nothing to stop me from feeling the heat of his touch.

I think my pussy is throbbing right now.
"Where's your bag baby?"
"BagS, and they're in the trunk I already popped it." I kissed his cheek before heading inside the apartment. He should be fine carrying those two bags.

The apartment smelled like Honey and... Bananas. I made my way to the kitchen finding a bit of a mess. Several ingredients all laid on and low and behold...Banana pudding. A big fat dish the top circled and tucked with- Those lil round vanilla cookies I can't ever remember the name of. It clearly wasn't wasn't finished yet but I wish I could get me a bowl of that.

"Your Paw have me your Grandma's recipe." Zane said quietly behind me.

"Her....Recipe?" I mumbled. My mind being sucked into a distorted memory.

"Grandma when you gonna teach me how to make this? You make it so good!" I was stuffing my face with some Banana pudding.

"I teach yuh de basics but you got to figure out da secret ingredients. If yuh can' taste it, don't bother me!" She said roughly with one of her mischievous but loving smiles.

I smacked my lips earning a raised eyebrow.


"How did you figure it out?" I turned looking at him, my eyes lined with tears.

He had set my bags down. "Your Paw. He told me how it tasted and I tried a few different recipes for him to taste test. He said it doesn't taste exactly like hers but it's so close he almost thought it was." He smiled warmly tucking me into his chest. "It'll be chilled and ready tomorrow."

"I need you." I said suddenly, turning my head just slightly up to look at him. I'm sure I looked feverently aroused. My lips parted and doe eyes batting up at him.

"I need you inside me. Now. Fuck foreplay." I pulled my shirt over my head without hesitation.
"Woah Sweetheart- You just got here-" his erection and eyes the took in my breast filling my hot pink bra betrayed his words.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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