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Chapter 15.
Coffee Words

Today was the day. I was meeting up with all my old friends to talk about the situation in detail. Mavis and Zane offered to come with me but I felt like I needed to do this in my own. This was my battle. I know that's very dramatic of me to say but that's what it felt like. A battlefield of my past....


I want to dress in a way that said...
"Hey! I'm free from that fucking lunatic!"
I want them to see the changes I've been making. So I'm wearing an outfit that shows so much skin, it's criminal.

But it's not like I never show skin anyways.

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I perfected my makeup and double checked all my things before heading out, I had an hour drive to make and only an hour and thirty minutes to get there

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I perfected my makeup and double checked all my things before heading out, I had an hour drive to make and only an hour and thirty minutes to get there.


"Hey~" I sing-songed.
"Hey baby, you on the road?"
I shivered a little at the sound of Zane's voice. We hadn't seen each other for a few days and with all the phone calls I was beginning to get addicted to this man's voice.

"Yup! Just left Pops house."
"Mmm.." he hummed in reply. "Are you nervous?"

"Yeah. I...I really treated these people badly even though all they were trying to do was protect me. Save me." I let out a sigh. "And now here I am needing them even though I'm the one who left them behind." My eyes watered and my grip on the steering wheel tightened.

"It's good you realize your faults.." I flinched a little at his words expecting him to reassure me or tell me not to think like that.

"That's the first step in becoming better. When you get there don't make any excuses, keep it real. Apologize and explain. And don't think too negatively. Beating yourself up about the situation isn't going to make it any better sweetheart, so take a deep breath and shake off those thoughts."

I did as he said taking a few deep breaths and even literally shaking a little. "Thank you.."

"Of course. Do you want me to stay on the phone with you until you get there?"
"..yeah...Is that okay?"
He laughed. "I wouldn't have offered if it wasn't."

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