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Chapter 19.

I wake up warm and comfortable, surrounded by a nice masculine smell.

Zane's nice masculine smell. I ended up spending the night. We had watched some more stuff and told each other some funny childhood stories after washing up and eating again. I slide silently from his arms and tip out of the room after grabbing one of his shirts. It's long but fits me.

My hair is going to kill me for not wearing a bonnet.

I take my time in the bathroom, snooping a little and going through the morning motions.  Toilet, teeth, face. Making my way into his office I scan the shelves that line the right wall and I'm more than surprised at the genre of the books.

Romance. Smiling I flip through a few of the pages. "This must be where he gets those cheesy ass lines from."

"You love those cheesy ass lines."

Damn near jumping out of my skin I turn to see him leaning tiredly on the door frame. "Your morning voice is hot." Zane shakes his head and walks over wearing nothing but boxers. "Thank you sweetheart." I'm not lying his voice sounds deliciously gruff. "Mhm...So you're into this kind of stuff?" He gives me a little shrug, "I like to know what women like. Anyways I already told you I am a mama's boy so naturally I like some...feminine things."  I lean up and give him a peck on the lips. 

"I like it. Now sweet lil mama's boy should make this mama some food. I've got a meeting with my lawyer around 12 and need to plan the next meet with my old friends and collect their evidence." I went through a mental checklist in my head to see if there was anything else, "Oh and check the house! The police said they've officially cleaned everything and I should be set to return but honestly..I might try to sell it. I'll have to ask my lawyer about it."

"Why? Is it in Alex's name?"

"No but he did pay off the mortgage although with stolen money so I'm not sure how that'll  play out." Zane nods and hums before making his way out. "Take yourself a nice shower baby, I'll be cooking." I smiled, heart fluttering at the 'baby' and that authority he always held in his voice.

I take my time washing, careful of my hair. Once out I lather myself in his cocoa butter lotion and put back on my clothes from yesterday, leaving off my panties. Making my way downstairs I can smell bacon. As soon as I step into the kitchen he sets two plates topped with bacon, pancakes, and varies fruits on the table, then two mugs filled with...?

"What's that?"
"Oh Chamomile tea. I remember you had said you like tea? Maybe I should've asked about Chamomile though. I have some juice or coffee if you prefer?"

I sat down silently staring at the tea. Zane leaned over the island and wiped my face, "why are you crying sweetheart? Did I do something wrong?" I blinked feeling the tears I didn't realize I was shedding.

"I don't-" That one rainy day was the day my life changed. So that's what I tell him. He comes around and sits beside me, "what do you mean?"

"......I would drink tea on  days when Alex would..break my heart all over again. On one of them I went for a bike ride after the sky cleared but ended up under Mavis's hood when it started pouring again. My first friend for a very long time...then we went out together and finally I met you." I wiped my tears and grabbed the cup, shakily.

"Maybe it's time for a new habit sweetheart." He picks up his as well. "You should drink it just cause."

I blew on it slightly and closed my eyes taking a deep breath. "You're right." We both took a sip. In that moment something sweet and warm filled me. I opened my eyes and I'm sure I was bugging but the world looked clearer. My eyes meet his and he has this perfectly perfect soft smile on his face. I can't help but lean in to press a soft kiss against his lips.

Now I'm sure today will go well.


Heyyyyyyyyy 💋

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