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Chapter 16.
Connect 5

*6 Years Ago*

I didn't know what was wrong with me. I just knew I wanted to die.

I took a long slow hit of the bong and held back a cough as my lungs took in the toxic smoke. Alex was at work and I was just....


I played a beat I had made as I attempted to hotbox the bathroom. The tub water was running behind me as I hummed.

I looked in the mirror at my naked body and sighed. I was covered in bruises from the past few days of arguing and fighting with Alex. In a sudden fit of compulsion I hit the neck of the bong on the edge of the counter. The purple glass splintered and cracked in thick sharp chunks.

I took a breath hesitating before grabbing the thinnest piece and dipping into the tub holding it.

My arms, legs, breast, and stomach became a canvas and the glass my brush. I laid there long enough for the water to cool and my head to begin feeling woozy.

"Tareea, happy anniversary baby- Babe?" I was too weak to get out of the tub so I just laid there hoping he would leave, that he would think I wasn't home. But I wasn't that lucky...or unlucky.

He walked in, took one look at me and dropped the flowers and chocolates in his hands. "TAREEA!" He screamed in a panic as he took me in. Sitting in the red tub, surrounded by shards of glass and grinded weed. Beat up and cut too, although the cuts were my own personal touch.

I turned my face away from him, I just wanted to die. Then all of the pain would stop. My eyes closed and I whispered my goodbye to him. But death never found me. The reaper didn't come to get my soul and take me off to the land of the dead with my Gran.

Instead I woke up to white walls and background beeping. My throat dry and my eyes hurting from the blinding lights. I felt weight on my legs as my vision cleared. I looked down to see Alex sleeping. "Alex?" I croaked. He lifted his head and I could see the tiredness on his features. 

"Tareea?.." He immediately started crying and kissing my hand. "Baby you're alive." He smiled. 

But I just laid there....

Back where I just wanted to escape from..


Ngl I got hella shit going on so please for those reading this fr just sit tight while I try and write up some chapters to post. This was supposed to be a filler for the next chapter but it's just a filler for like-

Until I have accumulated enough chapters that I can pump out whenever whenever. I really didn't even want to post this chapter but I wanted to give ya'll SOMETHING you know? 

So sorry it's not...much at all 

Also did ya'll get the joke with the title? 

Connect 5..as in this chapter connects to the flashback form chapter 5 :D heheheheheheh Im smart

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