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A shrill beep rent the morning air, making blankets shift and turn as a teen shifted in bed. (Y/N) groaned, rubbing their eyes as they stretched and ceased the infernal beeping of their alarm. A bleary shaft of light streamed into their room from a messily closed curtain, forcing their pupils to quickly adjust.

It was fall again, marking (Y/N)'s start of their final year in high school as well as, a couple weeks ago, the two-year anniversary of (F/N)'s death. The previous school years had been tolerable, in their opinion, but that was mostly thanks to Oliver Aiku's companionship.

Surprisingly, the adjustment from Germany to Japan had been smooth enough. So far, they weren't flunking any courses nor had they gotten into any big trouble. It was almost as if nothing had changed since their middle school days, well, except the soccer.

Back before the big incident, they'd been playing almost every single day of the week, in and out of the club, but now, they hadn't touched the ball in months. Of course, this by no means meant that they hadn't been exercising and working out, in fact, it was far from it.

Thanks to vigorous workouts and drills, they still held the great physique they had since their pro league days. Actually, in their opinion, they thought their build was even better than before. (Y/N) wasn't sure where this love of exerting themselves came from, it was probably their form of coping after the loss, but they were glad it helped them stay healthy.

Sometimes, even Oliver would join them in their exercising, though he could barely keep up with their crazy training regimen despite his athleticism. As if in tune with their thoughts, (Y/N)'s phone beeped at that very moment, shifting a couple inches on the bedside table.

Taking this as their sign to awake fully, (Y/N) stretched their arms once more before checking their notifications. They rubbed their eyes before taking a look at a number of texts from Oliver whom they had labelled on their phone as 'Manwhore.'

Lazily, they scrolled through the messages, most of which were along the lines of 'GOOD MORNING' and 'r u awake yet?' Still sprawled on the sheets, they texted back a quick 'yea, getting ready for school rn' before changing into the scratchy high school uniform and packing their computer and various pencils.

Not bothering to check for Oliver's response, (Y/N) stumbled down the stairs, only stopping for a quick moment to check and tame the messiness of their (H/C) hair. The glorious smell of eggs and bacon greeted them as they sat down at the breakfast table, awaiting food.

"Morning, (N/N)!" Exclaimed their mother, carrying two plates of delicious goodness to the table. (Y/N) smiled as they saw their mom. After the death of (F/N), there had been a time when the remaining members of the family had been on rocky terms, but them and their mom had found solidarity in one another, eventually working through the tragedy together.

Despite this, (Y/N) couldn't help but notice a small hint of melancholy whenever their mother smiled, only reminding them of all that was taken. Needless to say, the family grief stretched ever wide and it had an everlasting effect invisible to the outsider's eye.

The first meal of the day was spent mostly in silence, the two only exchanging small words for trivial matters like salt of cutlery. After a bit, (Y/N) got to their feet, wiping their mouth as they grabbed whatever supplies necessary for their day.

"Leaving already?" (M/N) asked, abandoning her plate of eggs, "Should I drive you?" For most of the past two years, (Y/N)'s ride to school had been Oliver, but he'd since graduated the past June, meaning he no longer attended their high school.

Over the past week, the teen had been either hitching rides with their mother or taking the bus. However, most of the time, the former wasn't an option seeing as (Y/N)'s mom was quite busy with work and they didn't want to cause her more trouble than was necessary.

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