✮ 16.

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 Oliver came to groggily, his head throbbing slightly due to the electric shock. He looked around, thankful he wasn't in a straight jacket. Craning his head over to the side, he spotted a familiar figure sitting in a chair, iPad in hand as they watched some kind of video.

He grinned to himself, about to call out to them before hearing his own recorded voice emanate from the screen. Cringing, he listened to himself scream his voice out in defence of (Y/N). Well, that was awkward, especially since they were right there in the room with him. Maybe if he just went back to sleep–or pretended to–he could just wait them out.

Unfortunately, (Y/N) stirred at his shifting in the sheets, their eyes lighting up with relief as they exclaimed "Oliver!" loudly and pounced at him, wrapping their arms around his half-laying, half-sitting body. Oliver grunted in surprise and discomfort, obviously, he was sore from the fight.

"I'm sorry!" (Y/N) said quickly, letting go of him at once and stepping back a couple paces, hesitating there for a moment before dragging their chair over. Oliver watched them, running a hand over his face, tracing his bruises and busted lip.

"It's... okay," Oliver said reassuringly, trying for a smile as he grabbed (Y/N)'s hand. "I should probably be the one apologizing to you anyways." (Y/N) looked away quickly at this, a shadow of guilt crossing their face momentarily; if it weren't for them, this conflict would never have happened.

"N-no, this is all my fault," they contradicted softly, "This only happened because I dragged you into my business and-" Oliver sighed loudly, grabbing their free hand too.

"Stop blaming yourself!" he said forcefully, pulling their attention towards him, "Look, that fight was all me, I chose to do that of my own free will! Dick move, maybe, but someone had to do something about that stuck-up jerk!" Despite themselves, (Y/N) smiled, chuckling lightly. They stopped themselves quickly once they scanned Oliver's face again, feeling bad once they saw the injuries again.

"You really got him good, didn't you?" (Y/N) sighed, reaching over subconsciously to place their hand on Oliver's cheek, caressing it gently. The defender felt his breath hitch in his throat, starting to fluster under his friend's touch. Breathlessly, he replied, "Yeah, I guess I did..."

"Uhm, I watched the footage and stuff and... I should probably tell you something," they started again, clearing their throat and retracting their hand before speaking. Oliver braced himself, ready for a verbal ramification which he probably deserved. What he didn't expect, however, were the next two words, "Thank you."

"...what?" Oliver asked dumbfounded, sure he'd heard them wrong.

"Thank you," (Y/N) repeated, speaking rather fast, "For defending me... No one's ever stood up for me like that before and even though you were kind of... uhm, violent, I really appreciate it... I mean, like, I don't think I've had anyone care about me like that before... yeah." Once they'd finished, they let out a breath that they hadn't realized they'd been holding and went beet red, realizing they'd said too much.

Oliver blinked a couple times before starting to laugh, making the thoroughly embarrassed (Y/N) raise an eyebrow. He squeezed on their hands once before speaking, "Please! Any reasonable friend would've done the same for you if they knew what I do!"

These words made (Y/N) temporarily stop breathing as they considered them. 'Any reasonable friend' he'd said... would Kaiser do the same if he were in Oliver's shoes? Though they were optimistic, they knew deep down that the blonde would never even consider it. Why? What was so different about the two?

As Oliver kept talking, they kept thinking and calculating, trying to find what was different. Finally, the missing piece clicked into place, making their eyes widen and breathing shallow. Everyone that was of utmost importance to them before this point all had a common denominator. Football. Of course, that much was obvious, but it was more than that.

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