✮ 5.

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 (Y/N) stretched their sore legs in the locker room, ready to go home after the day's practice. Two months had passed since the U-20 tryouts and one month had passed since the start of the soccer season. In recent days, playing soccer had become, not pleasant, but bearable, mostly thanks to Oliver's constant talking, distracting them from whatever bad memories their mind strayed to.

"Man, I'm totally done with this..." Oliver sighed, wiping his damp hair with a towel as he sat down beside (Y/N), "Wanna go grab a snack or something before we go home?" Like usual, he'd be driving the teen home after practice again.

"Yeah, sure," responded (Y/N), taking another sip from their water bottle as they checked their phone. To their surprise, apart from the regular texts from home, there were six new notifications from their Instagram account, making them frown.

That's... not normal. They noted as they opened the app, unaware of Oliver who was leaning over them to look at their screen. (Y/N) nearly spat out their water when they saw who had messaged them. The profile showed a young striker with blue and blonde hair and a rose-like tattoo on his neck.

They scowled as they saw Kaiser's messages, reading over his apology skeptically. There was no way he'd ever type something like this, right? For a moment, (Y/N) considered the possibility that Ness had forced him to apologize, but that seemed very unlikely.

Mouth slightly ajar, they exclaimed a small "wait!" as Oliver snatched the phone from their outstretched hands, his eyes scanning over the words on the screen. The captain smiled, keeping them at bay with a hand as he read Kaiser's message.

"Oh, what's this? 'I know we haven't talked in a while,' 'I didn't know you were still playing football,'" Oliver said, reading the messages aloud, making (Y/N) panic slightly, "'I'm really sorry for what I said, please respond?' (N/N), who is this guy?" He seemed more amused than accusing, making his companion facepalm.

"He's... my old teammate..." (Y/N) muttered, embarrassment flushing their face as they sighed, waiting for Oliver to hand them the phone back. Oliver raised an eyebrow before letting out a small 'oh,' realizing what they must be talking about. Back during one of (Y/N)'s breakdowns, they'd confessed everything that Kaiser had told them to Oliver.

"(N/N), what did we say about removing toxic people from our lives?" Oliver shook his head as he rolled his eyes, starting to type something into (Y/N)'s phone, making them panic even more.

"Oli! What are you doing? Don't be stupid, gimme that back!" They exclaimed, frantically struggling against Oliver as they tussled for possession of the phone. After a couple dozen seconds, (Y/N) finally emerged victorious as they managed to grab and yank the phone out of Oliver's grasp.

"Ugh, Oli, what did you do?" They questioned, running a hand through their hair as they straightened up, not even realizing that they'd accidentally pinned Oliver to the wall in an attempt to seize the device. The defender thanked whatever higher power there was that no one else was around to witness his red face. (Y/N), however, had different concerns.

"No, no, no, no, no..." They muttered as they read what Oliver had typed out, "'Pretty half-assed apology for someone who basically told them to 'move on' after their dad died if you ask me. Love, Oliver Aiku <3'. Seriously, Oliver? You even put a heart next to it!" The captain roared with laughter before shrugging.

"My bad, my finger slipped," he defended, looking absolutely innocent.

"Slipped onto the block button too?" (Y/N) gasped in shock, assessing the damage Oliver had caused, "You blocked him! How am I supposed to respond to him now?"

"Respond? Don't tell me you were thinking of forgiving that guy!" Oliver said, his jaw going slack as he stared at the slightly guilty (Y/N), "Do you know how bad what he said to you was?"

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