✮ 8.

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 At the automated announcement and whistle signalling the start of the second half, the Blue Lock team filtered onto the field, lead by Itoshi Rin and Isagi Yoichi. At once, Shidou, the new substitute, caught Rin's eyes, his smile more than just manic. (Y/N) was starting to suspect that the blonde had animosity with every player in existence.

"Oh, what's this?" he asked, walking up to the opposing striker, "You seem to be going wild there, under-lashes Junior, but this is as far as your explosion goes." (Y/N) hesitated a moment before following him, ready to rein him back in case things got out of hand.

"Let's make it real clear which one of us is the real number one, Rin-" Shidou's sentence was cut short by (Y/N), who grabbed him by his collar, pulling him back to the U20 side of the field. They sighed, wondering how bad their luck had to be that they always had to deal with such volatile strikers, Seriously, first Micheal, then Sendou, then Shidou?

"Sorry about him, please just ignore this dumbass..." (Y/N) apologized to a dumbstruck Rin and Isagi, a hand still on Shidou's collar in case he attempted an escape. The two Blue Lock players looked at each other before the younger one scoffed, rolling his eyes and turning away while Isagi said a simple "Don't worry about it!"

"W-wait! You're (L/N), aren't you?" burst out Isagi suddenly, making (Y/N) jerk their head back towards him suddenly. By the looks of things, he seemed to have caught the attention of Rin and Shidou too.

"What? I mean, yeah, that's me, though I much rather prefer (Y/N)," they said, pushing Shidou back to the other side of the pitch before walking back to Isagi, eyeing him more closely now. He was Blue Lock's strategist, wasn't he? If the two played, they'd have to pay extra close attention to him.

"Cool! Um, I saw a couple of your clips when I was younger, you know, back when you played for-"

"Germany." (Y/N) finished the phrase for him, tilting their head slightly. There was no doubt this kid was a monster on the field, but now, he seemed quite kind. Well, for someone of the opposite team.

Despite this, Isagi's mention of their old team made their stomach do somersaults, reminding them of everything they used to have. A flash of pain crossed them as their father and Micheal appeared in their mental vision. This would be the biggest game they'd played in years, hence the one most resembling their old international games.

"Are you okay?" Asked Isagi, obviously, something of their pain must've showed on their face, "I'm sorry, I didn't realize it must be a sensitive topic..."

"No, it's fine..." they reassured, trying for a smile, though they couldn't seem to work their face muscles correctly, "I look forward to a good rest of the match." Before giving Isagi a chance to respond, they walked off, a mixed expression on their face as they set up with the U20 team for the next kickoff.

The whistle blew again, restarting the match. Sae took the kickoff, passing to (Y/N) for a quick rotation to offence. Quickly, they drew off their defender with a quick one-two touch before sending the ball in Sae's direction, all whilst keeping their eyes on the rest of the field of play.

Noticing Shidou's quick drive, they followed in a path adjacent to his, ready to act as the support if he ever needed it. Just like their calculations, Sae did manage to get the ball over to the blonde, prompting a drive towards the net.

Chigiri, the pretty and long haired speedster came to stop him. (Y/N) knew that Shidou would have no chance in a battle of speed, so they took it upon themselves to slot themselves into the equation, calling over to him quickly before taking the ball for themselves.

As much as they would've liked to take a shot at goal, they knew there was an alternative answer with a higher success rate. They booted the ball back over to Shidou, completely circumventing Chigiri as the two tore further down the field.

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