✮ 4.

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(Y/N) stumbled into the deserted locker room, their breaths coming in flurries as they braced themselves on a locker, trying not to cry or hyperventilate. They didn't understand any of what was happening right now. It'd been two weeks since the death of their father, but nothing felt like it was settling down.

Mentally, they'd prepared themselves for this moment for days and days, but it was almost too much when they actually got there. Just a couple minutes ago, (Y/N) had entered the practice field for the first time since the accident, to the shock of the entire team.

With a bowed head, they'd approached the vice coach and handed them their jersey with an apologetic "I'm sorry, but I'll be resigning from the team." Since their mother had called in advance, they were sure the coach knew.

The adult looked almost as bad as (Y/N), but that was no wonder considering that (F/N) had been important to everyone on the team. Originally, (M/N) had suggested going onto the field herself, but (Y/N) had insisted they go themselves. If they were going to quit, they were going to do it right.

The faces of the team had been full of shock, betrayal and even anger. Though (Y/N) didn't consider it then, the rest of them must've been going through all of their own grief at their coach, (F/N)'s, death. (Y/N) leaving was probably only another blow to Bastard Munchen.

(Y/N) balled their fists, resisting the urge to punch something. Despite their pain at seeing everyone again, it still hurt to leave, though they knew it was only a matter of time regardless. They wiped their eyes before gathering themselves enough to run back to their car.

A shadow fell into the light coming from the locker room's doorway, making (Y/N) pause before straightening up and turning around. They thought it must be a teammate coming to say their final goodbyes or to give them one last hug, but they were only half right.

Micheal Kaiser stood at the door, looking at (Y/N), his face contorted in sadness and, unmistakably, anger. He only glared for a moment before stepping over the threshold and entering the change room.

"(Y/N)," he spat, not caring to use the nickname with which he always referred to them as, "What the hell do you think you're doing?" The center forward only stood there, too numb to even care about Kaiser's tone.

"Quitting." They said shortly, looking anywhere but at the blonde. They felt as if any other reminder of soccer might make them throw up.

"Quitting? Quitting? Why the fuck would you quit?" Kaiser sounded disbelieving, skeptical even, "Don't you know that we have tournaments and games coming up? What kind of position are you putting the entire team in?" He took a couple steps closer to (Y/N) who remained silent.

"Answer me," he growled, putting a hand aggressively on (Y/N)'s shoulder, "Answer me." Silent tears were flowing down (Y/N)'s face as they struggled and failed to keep back a torrent of raw emotion struggling to break out of their vocal cords.

"Micheal, my dad is dead." They said, their voice wavering as their glassy (E/C) eyes met Kaiser's, "My dad is dead and all you care about is soccer? He was your coach, he was my coach and we're never getting him back! Never!"

Kaiser jerked back suddenly from them, his face still angry as he processed (Y/N)'s words. He opened his mouth to retort, but got cut off almost immediately.

"I'm never going to see him again, you know that? He taught me everything I know about soccer... he was the reason I played! I loved him more than anything in the world!" (Y/N) half-sobbed, their voice rising uncontrollably, "I want to throw up every time I even think of soccer because it's all him! There is not a waking moment I'm not in pain because I miss him... I can't do this anymore, I'm sorry, Micheal."

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