✮ 14.

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What first started as a one-off chat with Rin quickly became two, then three, and after a couple days, (Y/N) found themselves talking to the striker almost every day. Once their respective trainings had finished, the two would meet up either immediately following practice to stretch or for dinner somewhere outside the cafeteria.

For once, this new change was... refreshing. After having surrounded themselves with very airy people like Oliver and Sendou, it was like a breath of fresh air to be able to speak with someone more down to earth and more pessimistic, for lack of a better word.

Rin was very unlike anyone they'd ever met. He was a very goal-oriented person and cold person, sometimes making (Y/N) doubt whether he actually wanted them there, but since it was always him that initiated these impromptu meetings, the center forward didn't complain as they really enjoyed them.

Since Rin was so calculated to everyone around him, he was–ironically–easy to trust with secrets and other things of the sort. Surprisingly, the boy seemed to have thought the same of (Y/N), leading to many secret confessions and other things of the sort. It must've been odd: two of the most reserved people talking so openly with each other.

By halfway through the 10-day training regimen assigned before the games began, the pair had divulged most of their tales to one another, the good and the bad, though considering the two in question, most were only bad memories.

(Y/N) had a suspicion that they'd only just scratched the surface of the iceberg that was Rin's past, but they didn't pry, seeing as they really hadn't told Rin much past how difficult it'd been to adjust to Japan after their dad's death.

Most of the time, they spoke in German, seeing as it was their mother tongue. They had a much easier time communicating thanks to Ego's special earbuds, letting (Y/N) understand everything Rin said in perfect German to their brain, though they liked his voice better when he spoke in Japanese.

(Y/N) sipped their water, handing one to Rin as they took a break from their wind-down workout. They wiped their head, ushering away the few beads of sweat that gathered. Considering that they'd trained alongside many of the New Generation 11 and had been on par with them a few years ago, it wasn't surprising that they showed much fewer signs of exhaustion than Rin.

"Thanks," the teen said, his fingers brushing (Y/N)'s as he took the bottle in his hand, taking a hearty swig. The pair sat down on yoga mats, stretching as they sighed, calling this day of training a success. For a bit, all was silent, only the heavy breathing of the two penetrating the atmosphere, until Rin spoke.

"Can I... ask you a question?" he said, glancing up at (Y/N) who met his eyes curiously. The black-haired boy never initiated conversation, so this was a pleasant first. They nodded, "Ask away."

"What's with you and that blonde guy?" (Y/N) paused at the question, frowning slightly. While certainly unexpected, they knew that they'd have to cross this bridge eventually. They sighed, the mere thought of Kaiser sending new, spiky thorns of pain through them again.

"It's complicated..." they finally said truthfully, putting a hand to their forehead as they thought back again. However, Rin seemed dissatisfied with this response, and for good reason, "Wanna tell me more?"

At first, (Y/N) was about to refuse, but as they pondered the fact that they now knew almost every length of what happened between Rin and Sae, telling him something of equal value would only be right. With a small exhale, they looked back down at their legs, still stretching as they started their story.

"Well, you can kind of see it as a falling out between friends, that's what most of the world thinks, but it actually runs a lot deeper than that." they began, wondering if they should really reveal more. This part of their story was only between them and Kaiser, not even Oliver knew, but Rin... he was just... so easy to talk to. Mindlessly, they trudged on.

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