It effects🌷(2)

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Scene continues from the entry of

Param Singh , an actor , a dancer and most importantly, best friend of Manisha

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Param Singh , an actor , a dancer and most importantly, best friend of Manisha.
Param was the first friend Manisha had made on the set on THE KAPIL SHARMA SHOW , he also came there same day to promote his show , "Chale na zor ishq pe" there. ( Love has no control)
He saw Manisha there and got impressed by her confidence. Now
it has been 3 years since they both are bestfriends.

He came inside the house and Manisha started screaming in excitement after seeming her bestfriend all of a sudden. She really does not have any idea that he , his Paru is coming.
She excitedly ran and hugged him tightly.

He also hugged her while chuckling.
At the announcement of introduction by Big boss,  they both broke the hug and Param gave her , his sizzling smile.

At the announcement of introduction by Big boss,  they both broke the hug and Param gave her , his sizzling smile

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Meanwhile all the contestents came into the Lawn and met him. He shooked hands with everyone and again hugged Manisha , who said: "Paru , this is the best surprise man. I just love it. Hahaha "and hugged him again. Their hug got broken by Abhishek who came in between them by saying:" Hey Param ! How are you man? "And dragged him a little far from Manisha.
Param who just got confused by his sudden attention smiled at him and said : "Hi Abhishek! I am fine you tell me? "
Abhishek forcefully smiled at him and before he could reply him , he was pushed aside by Manisha who came and held Param's hand while saying: "Uff ho , you can talk with him later , come Paru , let me show you the house" and dragged him with her.

What? Paru? Who the fuck he is? And why the hell she giving him this much attention? Huh. Thought Abhishek standing there.
He was just standing there when Avinash's statement caught his attention ,
Avinash: 'I know him , he is an amazing t.v actor. Now I think I will have a good company."
Saying this he moved towards him who was roaming with excited Manisha , who was showing him the entire house.
Abhishek frowned and followed them, while Jiya and Babika were discussing about some issue that happed today and Pooja ji was watching them.
Falak and Jad also went inside.

Abhishek was the first one to enter inside and spotted Manisha and Param giggling over something.
Param: "Manisha , I have just noticed, you look gorgeous in this outfit."
Manisha smiled at him and saw Abhishek frowning.

Abhishek in his mind ,
Blind fucker..! I have just noticed you, mimicked his way of speaking in his mind.  Idiot.

Babika while coming from behind :" Hey are you both couple? See you both are wearing matching matching na." She said pointing towards their clothes.
Yes Param and Manisha were actually twinning. They both laughed and Param said: "Hyee Kash aisa hojaye aur Manisha rani hamein apna raja bnalein"( I wish this could happed and Manisha Queen will make me his King)
Manisha laughed at him while giving him a knowing look.

Babika smiled a little and started talking with him , in her sweet temporary tone.
While Abhishek just gaged onto it. Ya to cringe into 100 hogya ( happened) , but they are actually wearing same colour but this may be just a coincidence thought Abhishek.
Jiya and Pooja ji also came there and they all started talking.

Abhishek was feeling low seeing them talking , so he went to their corner and laid there.

He kept laying there till 15 minutes after that he felt a tug onto his sleeve, he smiled thinking it to be Manisha but jumped onto his place after seeing the red face of Jiya from close.
She needs to stop applying blush. Though Abhishek while Jiya came there to talk to him as she was nominated for elimination in this week.
He got up and patted the space in front of him. She sat there and they both started talking.

Manisha on the other hand was making chai for Abhishek she went towards him holding his mug , thinking that she should atleast listen what he wants to say but stopped on her way seeing Jiya with him.
She quitely went towards them and  placed his chai onto the table and came back.
Abhishek saw her getting away and had the intention to go after her but stopped by seeing her talking with that idiot. Yes he named Param idiot.

Poor param who came to ask Manisha about an extra clean sheet for his bed as he is a little clean freak , was taken a back after getting her aggressive reaction as she told him that she doesn't know.

Manisha after behaving rude with Param went towards Pooja ji to divert her mind.
After sometime she realized that how much rudely she talked with param and how she should not take out her anger onto that pure soul. She instantly got up from there in search of him.
She saw him sitting with Jiya and Falak so she excused him from there and dragged him in the lawn , beside the pool.
Manisha: "Param I am sorry yar. Actually I was just .. just in my bad mood . Hamri satki hui thi , tu samjh rha ha na? Bs isliye tumhre upr nikal diye gussa sabhi .." ( My mind was not in a good state that's why i rented out my all anger on you)
Param nodded his head understanding.

Manisha smiled at him. He is such a pure soul. At one side there is she very impulsive and moody on the other side he is very calm and understanding.
Param while holding her hands:" It's ok Rani but why were you so upset ?"
Manisha : "Leave that , you listen these Jiya and Falak are not good ok? Just keep distance from them."
She saw Abhishek coming towards them with a sulking mood so she smiled at him genuinely and said to Param : "Just stay away from them and meet him , Abhishek my bestfriend."
Param smiled at him while his heart felt sudden sensation ,

Why? Was he expecting her to call him something else? Wasn't he her bestfriend? Just bestfriend?

To be continued...


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